Fandom meme to keep me awake

May 07, 2009 10:50

So. Sleepy. Still. Though somewhat better than yesterday, when I started filling out this meme fro izhilzha.

Comment to this entry and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. You must then update your journal and answer the following questions ( Read more... )

supernatural, dark tower, izh, stargate, fandom

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Comments 22

izhilzha May 7 2009, 18:18:21 UTC
I mostly just take advantage of handy products of fandom like the guide to which other King books you should read before each DT book if you want to get all the inside references.

DUDE. Where do I find this? *flails* (I mean, I think I shall have to have a break from King once I finish IT, but eventually I shall be coming back to Dark Tower.)

I really want to write crossovers with both Stargate and Supernatural, but I think I'll need to re-read chunks of the series before I do that, so it's going to be a while.

*hyperventilates with anticipatory glee*

(from inside paper bag) Um...I'll totally help you with that project. Whenever it might happen.

RE: SPN fic authors: yeah, the only fandom I've seen with this kind of ratio of good (gen) authors is The Sentinel, and that was a waaaay smaller active fandom, so I don't have a clue where all these people came from! *scratches head*


kalquessa May 7 2009, 18:32:08 UTC
DUDE. Where do I find this?

Okay, I can't find the original PDF of the flow chart someone made, which makes me sad because it was such a wonderfully geeky format, but Wikipedia seems to have it covered, here.

Just...promise me you won't actually try to read everything on that list, okay? Because I'd like you to read DT before we both die.

(from inside paper bag) Um...I'll totally help you with that project. Whenever it might happen.

*sporfles at your paper bag*

SG-1 and DT must be crossed if only so that Roland can explain to Jack, in his own special way, what "ka-tet" means. Because there has never been a walking definition of ka-tet like SG-1 before or since. And the ways in which it would be fun to cross DT with SPN are legion.


izhilzha May 7 2009, 18:58:44 UTC
Thank you for the link! LOL, I won't try to read all of that stuff--but it looks like Salem's Lot, Eyes of the Dragon, and a couple of the short story collections might be good to tackle next. :)


kalquessa May 7 2009, 19:41:37 UTC
Yeah, Salem's Lot has a big, hefty connection to Book 5. The only real connection to IT is more a theme/symbolism thing, if I remember correctly. Derry doesn't get a visit, that I can recall, though I think a location from The Stand does.


dirigibletrance May 7 2009, 18:28:09 UTC


kalquessa May 7 2009, 20:03:05 UTC

Lord of the Rings

Cthulhu Mythos



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kalquessa May 7 2009, 20:17:41 UTC
Hee! No, this was a friend I worked with at the Evil Office. I love the series, and I keep meaning to read more of the books that tie into it.


maychorian May 7 2009, 20:28:02 UTC
Ooh! I will play!

It was fun to read these three loves of yours. ♥


kalquessa May 7 2009, 22:13:10 UTC
Okay: Doctor Who, Star Wars, and Numb3rs.


izhilzha May 7 2009, 23:01:57 UTC
Wait, are you a Numb3rs person? *didn't know that*


maychorian May 8 2009, 11:58:36 UTC
I'm not very fannish about the show, but I do like it a lot. I once wrote a commentfic about Don and Charlie as kids for a prompt, and I occasionally read a fic or two recced by folks I trust, but that's about it.


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kalquessa May 7 2009, 22:14:38 UTC
It is such a wonderful ep! *hugs it*

I feel sorta bad, because I think some folks have avoided getting into SPN mostly because the fandoms reputation precedes even that of the actual show, and they are scared off. Oi, fandom.


alphabet26 May 8 2009, 01:00:55 UTC
Hee, that was one of the things that brought me into SPN! There was a post on FandomWank about otherkin and otakin and someone said they wanted to see the episode of SPN where Sam and Dean hear about a chupacabra and go to kill it and find out that it's an otakin who just thinks he's a chupacabra. I'd only generally heard of SPN at that point and LOL'd for hours at the little scenario the person wrote up where Sam and Dean basically go, "Bwah?" at this.


kalquessa May 8 2009, 16:02:58 UTC
*sporfles* That...would be an awesome fanfic.


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