Fandom meme to keep me awake

May 07, 2009 10:50

So. Sleepy. Still. Though somewhat better than yesterday, when I started filling out this meme fro izhilzha.

Comment to this entry and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. You must then update your journal and answer the following questions:

1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom?

Izh gave me Dark Tower, Stargate SG-1, and Supernatural.

Dark Tower

1. I picked up The Gunslinger because ursulav posted about how awesome the series was and I'd been meaning to try this Steven King guy that my parents never let me read because they knew it would give me nightmares and keep me (and them) up at night. It utterly failed to reel me in. Decent writing, don't get me wrong, but the story was so bleak and by the end I had decided that I didn't like the main character at all. So that was going to be it.

Except my friend Mai, who is a massive King fan, threatened to make me eat the second book in the series if I didn't read it, so I read her copy of The Drawing of the Three. And fell in love. Primarily, I fell in love with Eddie Dean (O hai, the comic relief is finally here!) but I also fell in love with the whole mythos at that point, and came to love Roland, the main character. After that, I read all five of the remaining books in the series as quickly as I could, with occasional breaks during the last book to weep into my couch cushions and/or call Mai and demand to know how she and Steven King could do this to me.

2. I've got to go back and re-read the series at some point, but I don't see myself ever getting too involved in the fandom. I mostly just take advantage of handy products of fandom like the guide to which other King books you should read before each DT book if you want to get all the inside references. And some of the fanart out there is really cool.

3. The Wastelands (Book 3) was probably my favorite, aside from the fact that the ending is...not an ending. Seriously, what possessed the man to stop there? What did people do when they had to wait four years to find out what happened? Eric Kripke is only this evil in his wildest dreams. But other than that, yeah, there's lots of adventures and the city of Lud and the whole weird parallel worlds thing is explored further, and there's a psychotic killer train, and Roland teaches his ka-tet how to be gunslingers, and I love it. Wolves of the Calla was a lot of fun, too, with it's Spaghetti Western thing and commala-come-come and the Oriza plates, but I didn't enjoy reading Mia's scenes at all, so.

4. I did join a few LJ comms when I was reading the last two or three books, but I wouldn't consider myself active in this fandom. I can never find DT fic that I'm willing to read, and I haven't written any myself. I really want to write crossovers with both Stargate and Supernatural, but I think I'll need to re-read chunks of the series before I do that, so it's going to be a while.

5. I think more people should read the books. I think a lot of folks would love them that don't give them a chance. For one thing, it's King, and they associate him with horror rather than with weird post-apocalyptic Lord of the Rings/Fistful of Dollars inspired epics. For another, it's a seven-book series, and most of them are not small books, either. But they're really good, I promise! So yeah, more people should read these.

Stargate: SG-1

1. Izh is responsible for my Stargate fixation. All injuries caused by my SG-1 fics and parody scripts are actually her fault. I had seen a few eps here and there and nothing ever really hooked me, but Izh raved about the show all the time and so when I found out one of the brothers-in-law had the first few seasons on DVD, I decided to give it a try. Once I'd started from the beginning, I fell in love pretty quickly with the characters and the show's sort of joy-ride philosophy of interstellar travel.

2. I can't leave this fandom because a) the team is too much fun to write, and b) there are too many awesome people in my corner of SG-1 fandom.

3. My favorite episodes tend to be the ones with lots of humor and wacky hijinks. "Window of Opportunity" is possibly my most re-watched ep, followed by "Failsafe." "200" was just pure, geektastic love. I love "First Ones" because Daniel is really pretty and funny when he's being dragged around by lizard people, and I love that "Reckoning/Threads" goes out with such a humongous bang, highlights all the support cast and surviving guest characters, and has such good roles for the whole team to play.

4. I read fanfic, write fic and parodies, and play with the corner of fandom that hangs out on redial_the_gate. Also, I sign up for ficathons and challenges because sg_fignewton makes me, only not recently because the muse is afraid of Baby and won't come near me except in the middle of the night when I'm trying to sleep.

5. YES! It has ironic eyebrows and C4! Explosions! Ridiculous aliens! Hand-wavy science! Pretty actors! Teamy goodness! Wacky hijinks in space! It's just a jolly ride and the wobbly props and bad CG in the early seasons really only add to the experience, in my opinion.


1. Izh is to blame for this fandom, too. She lent me Season 1, shrugging that I might like it, give it a try. Ha. I could tell by the first episode that I loved it. Guns, awesome music, hot car, chewy internal rules, angst with a healthy leavening of humor, and let us not forget excruciatingly pretty actors. Yeah, give me some sugar, Show.

2. I have a feeling this is another Great and Tooby Love like Stargate. SPN has the added advantage that it eats other fandoms. I have had to actually make an effort not to let it crowd SG-1 out of my fic-writing brain. Which is really impressive, considering SG-1's amazing ability to eat my gray matter. So yeah, I think I'll be around a while.

3. My most-rewatched ep is "Nightshifter" just because it's so. Damn. Good. Solid casefile, fantastic guest character, brotherness, both humor and angst, Henricksen, STYX SONG FOR GREAT JUSTICE. I also have a huge soft spot for humor eps like "Hell House" and "Hollywood Babylon" and the emotional yo-yo that is "Mystery Spot." "Jus in Bello" is another one that just impressed the hell out of me, but it's sort of a downer, so I don't rewatch it as much as I would otherwise.

4. I read fic and meta (when my brain can handle this fandom's meta, not always a given) and I write both fic and parodies (still gotta do that S3 Generic Episode, don't I?) and I sit and talk on the phone for embarrassingly large amounts of time with Izh and Fee.

5. I think more people should watch the show so I'll have more people who understand why "Carry On, My Wayward Son" makes me sniffle and "Heat of the Moment" makes me crack up laughing. Also, this fandom has a lot of really, really good fic authors. I have never seen this many awesome writers in one place, before. However, I am sort of embarrassed of SPN fandom as a whole, because some parts of it really do eat babies, so theoretical future fans should tread carefully.

supernatural, dark tower, izh, stargate, fandom

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