Reasons for yay

Oct 08, 2008 08:59

1. I spent a significant amount of time yesterday on the phone with my doctor's office and my pharmacy in an attempt to straighten out a snarl in communications that had led to a lack of prescription refills. I almost lost my mind navigating phone trees, but in the end I triumphed, and was rewarded with refills, so yay ( Read more... )

finish-a-thon, supernatural, books, dreams

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Comments 17

izhilzha October 8 2008, 16:30:50 UTC
6. I had a dream last night in which I was dating Bobby Singer.

*falls out of chair laughing* Weirdly, given Bobby's mix of badass and geek, I can almost see this. Wow, your subconscious is giving you what for these days. Wow.


kalquessa October 8 2008, 16:40:14 UTC
Weirdly, given Bobby's mix of badass and geek, I can almost see this.

Yeah, it was actually incredibly sweet in the dream. Aw, Bobby, I'll totally be your May/December fling!

And I had the perfect icon for posting about the dream! Double yay!


(The comment has been removed)

kalquessa October 9 2008, 01:06:10 UTC
It is. So. Good! *hugs it*


suzannemarie October 8 2008, 16:39:36 UTC
Lee is a one-hit wonder. But what a hit! If I could only have access to a few books for the rest of my life, To Kill a Mockingbird would be one of them. It's a very rich book. I've noticed new things almost everytime that I've reread it.

BTW: at one time, rumors swirled that the book was really written by Truman Capote.


kalquessa October 9 2008, 01:05:05 UTC
Mr. Bill told me about that rumor, but it doesn't really matter all that much to me, you know? It's an awesome book, either way. Definitely one of the ten books to take with you if you're going to be marooned on a desert island.


It's a sin to kill a mockingbird, you know. ruthette October 9 2008, 02:39:02 UTC
Is this your first reading of the amazing TKAM?

(Hey I wasn't done with this comment! It posted without me!)


aurora_novarum October 8 2008, 16:42:20 UTC
"To Kill a Mockingbird" is one of those stories I've always meant to read but never have.

You're reminding me of it.

And your shoe compulsion always makes me wince and giggle.


kalquessa October 9 2008, 01:07:30 UTC
I never read it because it was one of those books that people are made to read in school, which made me assume that there was no other reason to read it. Turns out I was wrong and it's brilliant. *grin*


ruthette October 9 2008, 02:40:26 UTC
Nevermind, here's my answer!

Say hi to Boo Radley for me!


supplyship October 8 2008, 16:46:42 UTC
1. Go you!

2. Ooh, excellent!

3. Heh. Never underestimate the empowering properties of cute shoes!

4. I loved that book. As a kid, I always wanted my nickname to be "Scout".

5. Good on you!

6. Hee! *loves Bobby*


kalquessa October 9 2008, 01:17:02 UTC
4. I'm *this* close to naming one of my hypothetical kids Atticus at this time. And I'm totally nicknaming one of them "Scout."

6. It was so funny, because in the dream it was really sweet, and I was all happy and there was running and monster hunting and cute new-couple shyness, and then I woke up and was like "Really, subconscious?" *laughs* I still have nothing on your RDA dream.


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