Reasons for yay

Oct 08, 2008 08:59

1. I spent a significant amount of time yesterday on the phone with my doctor's office and my pharmacy in an attempt to straighten out a snarl in communications that had led to a lack of prescription refills. I almost lost my mind navigating phone trees, but in the end I triumphed, and was rewarded with refills, so yay ( Read more... )

finish-a-thon, supernatural, books, dreams

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Comments 17

tree_and_leaf October 8 2008, 17:08:02 UTC
Harper Lee! How are you so brilliant? *fangirls*

Ah, but you haven't experienced it till you've read it in the arthopod translation (and I sincerely hope you've read jasper fforde, or you probably think me even madder than I actually am)


kalquessa October 8 2008, 17:09:39 UTC
Bwah! Thursday Next is my hero. I want to be Thursday when I grow up. (Which reminds me, I need to get the last two books of the series!)


dirigibletrance October 8 2008, 17:39:14 UTC
Make Bill dress up in Bobby's outfit.


izhilzha October 8 2008, 17:50:23 UTC
*cracks up laughing at this image*


kalquessa October 9 2008, 01:17:49 UTC
*giggles* Mr. Bill looks ridiculous in trucker hats. And there is no way he's growing a beard like that.


(The comment has been removed)

kalquessa October 9 2008, 01:19:02 UTC
I'm really looking forward to having it finished! *laughs* I'm glad there will be readers for it, it's not a fandom I usually write, and I didn't read fic for it until very recently, so I wasn't sure anyone on the friendslist would be interested.


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