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Jul 23, 2008 08:48

1. The Batmobile from Dark Knight (I guess they're calling it "the Tumbler" now?) was parked out in front of the theater across the street from my office yesterday afternoon. Sam and IT Guy went and took pictures, and Ernie and I walked across on our way home to check it out, as well ( Read more... )

it guy, sam, supernatural, random interludes, gilmore girls, ernie

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Comments 24

feliciakw July 23 2008, 16:25:53 UTC
Remind me where Ernie falls in the family? Because I'm thinkin' we could totally hang.

Re: Gilmore Girls . . . is that the one about the mom and daughter, and one of them is named Lorelei (sp?)? If so, even though I've never seen it, it has family connotations for me. Apparently, it's a show that my (now deceased) cousin and her daughter enjoyed watching together.

Re: Baby Jared . . . it was, apparently, quite confusing when Jared started working on SPN. In the early stages, before everyone learns everyone's real names and they were just calling Jensen and Jared by their character names, there was much confusion. Well, here, let Jared tell you about it.


kalquessa July 23 2008, 16:53:52 UTC
Ernie is the fifth of six kids (Mr. Bill being the oldest) and the elder of the pixies at 16. She's good fun.

Yeah, the mom and daughter are both named Lorelei, though the daughter goes by Rory. According to my sister, the show turned into a mess of snarled interpersonal relationships and Big Mistakes in later seasons, but back when it was first on the air, she and I used to really enjoy watching it. The family dynamic is pretty dysfunctional (the mother and daughter tend to swap roles pretty frequently because the mom tends to be spazzy and immature and the daughter is sensible and responsible--at least she is until later seasons) but it's fun to watch, at least for me. Plus, lots of banter.


kalquessa July 24 2008, 02:48:08 UTC
And having now seen the youtube clip:

That is so cute. Hee! It was just unbelievably weird having him say "my name is Dean." Just...cognitive dissonance liek whoa.


jelly_doughnut July 23 2008, 16:34:01 UTC
Ew! Gilmore Girls is definitely not my cup of tea! It wasn't to begin with but then Rory basically cheated on Dean with Jess then Jess wrecked the car that Dean built for her, then Rory goes and gets all trampy with Dean after he got married! I really didn't like the show after Rory started dating that rich kid in the Life and Death Brigade. Of course, she came by it honestly. Her mother could never get it through her head that she (Lorelai) belonged with Luke and not Christopher!

...Not my cup of tea at all!


kalquessa July 23 2008, 16:36:09 UTC
Heh, yeah, I gather that the show got pretty deep in the Everyone Makes Very Bad Decisions mire in later seasons...but when I was watching it back eight or nine years ago, when it was first airing, I liked it. Not so many giant stupid things back then.


amberdulen July 23 2008, 17:17:11 UTC
3. That's funny. Which reminds me, did you ever sit down and try to imagine Jared and Jensen in the opposite roles? It blows my mind, I can't do it.


kalquessa July 23 2008, 17:18:12 UTC
I...can't. I've read that originally Jensen auditioned for the role of Sam, and that is an audition tape I'd love to see, They're too fixed in my mind the way they are.


amberdulen July 23 2008, 17:30:49 UTC
Yeah, that was on one of the commentaries. Isn't that bizarre??


beanpot July 23 2008, 17:26:56 UTC
See, I loved the Gilmore Girls. I don't know of one teenage girl who made horrible mistakes.

But I loathed with a white hot passion the second to last season, but they more or less redeemed themselves the final one. I couldn't help but feel that the creators were taking their leaving out on the show and it just frustrated me. Salting the earth worked for the Romans, but it bugged me here.


kalquessa July 23 2008, 17:30:20 UTC
Yeah, that pretty much sums up the half-hour monologue my sister gave me on "Why the sixth season of Gilmore Girls made me angry." Heh. I had stopped watching by then, since we no longer had TV at my house, at that point. Good to know that they sort of made up for it in the final season.


beanpot July 23 2008, 17:35:35 UTC
Well it helped they got rid of the Luke's Kid Out Of Nowhere. I know a lot of my die hard fan friends turned the show after that and never turned it back on.


mosinging1986 July 23 2008, 20:35:31 UTC
The Batmobile from Dark Knight (I guess they're calling it "the Tumbler" now?) was parked out in front of the theater across the street from my office yesterday afternoon.

Say WHAT?! Why?!


kalquessa July 23 2008, 20:36:08 UTC
As a promotional thing, I guess. *shrug*


mosinging1986 July 23 2008, 20:38:15 UTC
Whee! If it had been the motorcycle they would've had to pry my fingers off and drag me away from the thing kicking and screaming.

::looks around shiftily::


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