Assorted items

Jul 23, 2008 08:48

1. The Batmobile from Dark Knight (I guess they're calling it "the Tumbler" now?) was parked out in front of the theater across the street from my office yesterday afternoon. Sam and IT Guy went and took pictures, and Ernie and I walked across on our way home to check it out, as well.

IT GUY: It's surprisingly small.

SAM: The Batman need not compensate for anything.

ME: It is smaller than I expected, but it's still badass.

ERNIE: And hot.

2. Apparently my yen for high heels is more notable than I thought, because several coworkers have remarked on my sudden switch to flats. I continue to feel self-consciously like I've flaked and accidentally worn my slippers to work. (Yeah, apparently I'm just never going to stop talking about my feet ever again.)

3. The pixies bought themselves the first season of Gilmore Girls, and we started watching it last night. I know the show isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I find it entertaining. Its humor appeals to me and the banter reminds me of myself and my sister when we're together. Also, it has Jared Padalecki as a squishy teenager in an oversized leather jacket. When he first showed up, the pixies both exclaimed, "Sam! You're so little!" and when his character introduced himself to Rory by saying "Hi, I'm Dean!" we all blinked and said, "Oh, wow, that's weird," in chorus. Hee.

it guy, sam, supernatural, random interludes, gilmore girls, ernie

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