SPN squee

Jun 29, 2008 19:43

So feliciakw continues to be one of the most excellent and fabulous friends ever, in that I received five new episodes of SPN yesterday. I will soon be very close to being completely caught up on this show! Oh, to live without fear of spoilers.

Anyway, managed to get in a viewing of "A Very Supernatural Christmas," the end of which inspired ( the following exchange... )

supernatural, random interludes, ernie

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Comments 6

izhilzha June 30 2008, 04:40:21 UTC

(and admit it, the schmoop is a nice change. *g* even in just that episode, we needed a little bit of that.

Totally fav. line, mostly because of Jensen's delivery: "Fuel for me, and fuel for my baby!")


kalquessa June 30 2008, 05:04:26 UTC
Yeah, the schmoop was quite welcome. I think the caroling bit may be my favorite. Or possibly my least favorite. I can't really decide. It was so painful and yet so hysterically funny.


dirigibletrance June 30 2008, 05:06:23 UTC
Arg I am so behind on SPN! I've barely begun to watch the 3rd season. Teh sigh. Must use intarnets to correct this.


feliciakw June 30 2008, 10:49:30 UTC
I love that SPN schmoop can totally counteract bleeding with ceremonial knives, removal of fingernails, and near removal of teeth.

(Well, the schmoop and having Sam add the rum to your egg nog.)

The end of the SPN Xmas ep is wonderful and painful and melancholy and just . . . I think I'm gonna cry just thinkin' 'bout it.

And yes, "Fuel for me, and fuel for my baby," ftw.


kalquessa June 30 2008, 15:44:47 UTC
Yeah, we were quite traumatized by the fingernail thing, but then the schmoop made us forget all about it.

And I love the wonderfully played eggnog moment. *giggles*


ayoub June 30 2008, 12:02:49 UTC


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