SPN squee

Jun 29, 2008 19:43

So feliciakw continues to be one of the most excellent and fabulous friends ever, in that I received five new episodes of SPN yesterday. I will soon be very close to being completely caught up on this show! Oh, to live without fear of spoilers.

Anyway, managed to get in a viewing of "A Very Supernatural Christmas," the end of which inspired the following exchange.

ERNIE: Aww! *squeak*

ME: I don't know if I can take any more schmoop.

ERNIE: I know. Isn't it great?

ME: I need an insulin shot.

ERNIE: I want to give someone a hug! Dean could be someone.

ME: Those are sentiments I can get behind.

ERNIE: Yay for sentiments!

supernatural, random interludes, ernie

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