TV weekend of DOOM

Oct 08, 2007 09:47

So izhilzha came to visit for the day on Saturday and brought various forms of television crack with her. My reactions to the various shows to which I was introduced below:


We watched the pilot and the next two eps. I like. I even managed to follow most of what was going on, despite the fact that I was watching this with Ernie, Curly and their two teenage cousins and we kept talking over dialog. God bless the "scan back" button.

Me: Wow. It's like watching a show about my husband. "I was wrong! Tantrum! Now I'll go into an emo coma!"

Izh: I think it's just a math genius thing.

Me: Probably. Could you please make Charlie's sideburns go away?

Izh: I think they go away eventually. How 'bout Don's sideburns.

Me: Those can stay. Also his vest.

Izh: Yeah, feliciakw likes the Kevlar, too.

Me: Kevlar is hot.


We watched "Rogue" with Soupy and my brother not_a_monk, who apparently remembers the show with some fondness, though I have no memory of the show at all (usually if Ma Bookie watched a show, I watched it, too). I...don't know. It shouldn't faze me that the show is very much a relic of the mid-09s, but it kind of does. On the other hand, I do love a good team show. So I'll give it a few more eps to get the vibe across.

Blair: I have a plan!

Me: Does it involve a different blazer? Because mixing plaids is wrong.


One part X-Files to one part Buffy. Remove the most annoying elements from both shows and mix thoroughly with a dash of Dave McKean artwork. Garnish with pretty actors in leather jackets. Serve with a side of sarcasm and excellent eighties rock.

Sam: *is cute and floppy-haired*

Dean: *is snarky and badass*

Impala: *is drool-worthy*

Me: *rocks out to guns & roses* I think I might love this show.

Izh: Muahahahahaaaaa!!!*



We watched the pilot of the New Who with Rose and Nine. I can't decide if it's just plain awesome or so lame that it's actually come out the other end of lame and become awesome again.

Me: Izh, they are being chased by a headless mannequin with plastic meat cleavers for hands.

Izh: Just keep watching.

Me: I am not sure about this at all, Izh.

Izh: Keep watching.

Me: Plastic. Meat cleavers. For hands.

Izh: I know.

Me: This show is on the special crack.

Izh: That's the point.

Me: Okay. I can go with that. I think.

Oh, and if you posted anything of note over the weekend, leave a comment, blah blah, you know the drill.

sentinel, supernatural, doctor who, izh, numb3rs, tv

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