TV weekend of DOOM

Oct 08, 2007 09:47

So izhilzha came to visit for the day on Saturday and brought various forms of television crack with her. My reactions to the various shows to which I was introduced below:

Numb3rs )

sentinel, supernatural, doctor who, izh, numb3rs, tv

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Comments 34

jelly_doughnut October 8 2007, 18:16:36 UTC
Re: Doctor Who and "I can't decide if it's just plain awesome or so lame that it's actually come out the other end of lame and become awesome again."

I think you hit the nail on the head, but the show has actually come out of both ends several times in its 43 years of on and off again existence.

I agree that you should "keep watching" at least for the first season. It builds nicely and leaves you awe-struck at the end.

...of course I may be biased.


kalquessa October 8 2007, 22:22:53 UTC
Oh, I plan to keep watching, now that I finally have my claws in the DVDs. I'm kind of scared not to, since Whovians are the single biggest fandom demographic on my friendslist.


narniadear October 8 2007, 23:15:11 UTC
Yeah, and we'll be here to mop you up after the season two finale. (By then the show will be on the top of your awesome list. I promise.) Because Whovians are sweet like that. :)


izhilzha October 8 2007, 18:19:27 UTC
*sporfle* Yeah, this is actually a pretty accurate summary of the day!

Numb3rs: I knew you'd like this show. It cracked me up that Charlie kept reminding you of Mr. Bill. I was counting on the math-geekery to hook you, but it worked better than I anticipated.

The Sentinel: I'm so amused that I now know someone (not_a_monk) who is from the other side of this fandom--the actors always talk about how their audience was 1) women (there for the buddy relationship) and 2) young guys, who liked the action and the guns and things going "boom." (Also, I think that we should have watched it before Numb3rs, because it does not compare favorably--TS is an action show, not a procedural, whereas N3 is a procedural with math and often also with action! LOL.)

Supernatural: I wasn't sure how well you'd like this show, but when your brother made us freeze-frame the weapons-laden trunk of the Impala, I realized that you might like it A LOT. BTW, I love your general description of the show, above. Because yes. That is the awesome of Supernatural, in a ( ... )


kalquessa October 8 2007, 18:43:24 UTC
My acid test for family viewing: watch it while the MIL is hovering. If, after a few eps she hasn't been freaked by anything, it's prolly kosher. Of course there are shows like House that have to be judged on an ep-by-ep basis because some eps are perfectly fine while others involve hermaphrodite super-models who seduce their fathers. SPN may be a tad on the scary side for the girls, but if this is the most sexuality we see, it should be fine on that front.


izhilzha October 8 2007, 18:55:23 UTC's about the typical level, yeah. There are a few episodes where it's more blatant (for example, a demon in possession of a female body, being seductive to Dean), and I know there are two episodes with actual love scenes in them, so it might be kinda like "House" that way.


kalquessa October 8 2007, 19:03:21 UTC
Yeah, it may end up being a watch-while-the-pixies-are-gone show, then. I could take it with me to not_a_monk's house when i go to watch TV with his wife on Fridays. Right now we're watching BSG, but we're running out of eps, and I think she'd really like SPN.


aurora_novarum October 8 2007, 18:36:01 UTC
Aw, Numb3rs. Gotta love the brothers. I still miss Sabrina Lloyd, but yes, a cute show. :-)

I only have vague memories of the Sentinel, but I thought it was cute. Plus, me, little miss "I know not this slash of which you speak"...totally thought that Blair and Jim as a romantic couple was canon. It was only later someone told me different. Heh.

I can't help you there. It's the show eating fandoms. I've tried to watch it twice and been grossed out both times.

Dr. Who
We watched the pilot of the New Who with Rose and Nine. I can't decide if it's just plain awesome or so lame that it's actually come out the other end of lame and become awesome again.


Seriously, that was my reaction when I watched the first ep of nine who (I'd seen a bit of PBS aired classic Dr. Who here and there). I would be ready to turn it off, well, I'll watch one more and has that effect on you to cracky goodness. When you get to the zipper me it gets better after that. ;-)


kalquessa October 8 2007, 18:50:58 UTC
I was all excited because I didn't know Lloyd was in N3 until I saw the pilot and went "Hey, it's Wade! And she has better hair! Yay!"

I'm not easily grossed out (was raised on a diet of gory action flicks), so all I noticed in SPN was the pretty, pretty brothers and the awesome music (I am an unrepentant sucker for 80s rock).

And...zipper aliens. Wow.


aurora_novarum October 8 2007, 19:02:24 UTC
Well, that's not their technical name. LOL. It's just what I call them. Like you have that cute nickname for General Hammond. :-) (but the zipper aliens...aren't so cute).

Yes, I can't get past the gross to witness the pretty, sorry to say.

But if you ever get in Heroes, I'm your girl. :-)


kalquessa October 8 2007, 19:04:34 UTC
I'm actually going to be borrowing Heroes from a friend here at work! So I'll let you know when I start geeking out about that.


shannonsequitur October 8 2007, 19:31:14 UTC
As many others have pointed out before me, "I can't decide if it's just plain awesome or so lame that it's actually come out the other end of lame and become awesome again" is the ENTIRE POINT. Although it really does get better. And then it gets worse. And then it gets better again.

Really, with the ever-variable format and all of the different producers, it's pretty safe to say that Doctor Who has been gleefully skipping rope with the shark for the last 44 years.


cjmr October 8 2007, 19:39:31 UTC
"skipping rope with the shark"

That's great! Can I quote that?


kalquessa October 8 2007, 19:54:57 UTC
I can get behind skipping rope with the shark. I loved (and still love, though mostly because of nostalgia at this point) SLIDERS as a teen, and that show is made of nothing but cheese and crack and John Rhys Davies calling people "blithering idiots". So yeah, I can merrily go along with all manner of goofiness as long as I know I'm not expected to take anything seriously.


travels_in_time October 9 2007, 15:26:09 UTC
So yeah, I can merrily go along with all manner of goofiness as long as I know I'm not expected to take anything seriously.

Part of the charm of New Who is that it's all goofy and crack and impossible to take seriously, and then suddenly you're CRYING. And at that point, you're hooked.

Re zipper aliens--I'd say skip that whole double-header, but there are Important Character Bits there, so you're just going to have to suffer through it.


cjmr October 8 2007, 19:38:09 UTC
One small piece of Dr. Who watching advice--don't watch The Empty Child until/unless you can watch The Doctor Dances right afterwards.

But I think you'll like the Slytheen (the zipper aliens, another commenter called them).


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