Someday, I am going to make a post entirely free of capslock. When I do: call an ambulance.

Jul 06, 2007 23:42

  • Lately, Pete has been spelling shit correctly in his blog posts - or, at least, there don't seem to be any accidental typos. THIS IS HUGE FOR ME, PEOPLE. Is it the iPhone??? Is it just that he found a real computer for once? I really hope it's the iPhone, because that means he'll keep doing it. (Maybe next: CAPITAL LETTERS. DARE TO DREAM.)
  • Read more... )

doctor who, gerardolopoly, bandom, meta, meme, plkw3, plot bunnies

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Comments 36

greyandgrey July 7 2007, 04:09:37 UTC
eh, I've used "half-gay" before. Granted, I've been joking...
(dude, what magazine?)

Dude, I want to read Sponsor!Gerard so bad now. Thanks for that.

By the way, have you seen this?

It's pretty much amazing.

there was a S2 marathon of DW on SciFi today, so of course I sat down and watched. My sister comes in at Army of Ghosts and goes "Oh my god, this is so bad!" So I had to rant at her for a while about the fact that she wasn't really watching and she didn't get it because she didn't understand the history and how these two things - the daleks and the cybermen - are fucking iconic and thats why it's so important that here they are talking to one another. I've been telling her lately that she needs to know her history, and she spouts back about her AP history credits, totally missing my point.

Anyway, I hate it when people come in and watch 5 minutes of a show and declare that it sucks. My whole family hates The Office, and I keep trying to explain that it's because they won't watch it long enough to get it, that a show can be ( ... )


kalpurna July 7 2007, 04:24:11 UTC
oh, me too! Or I've been like "I'm a little bit gay!" It's just funny because it's him, and because of the PICTURE that accompanies it. PETE. NEVER CHANGE.


Man, that's annoying. Yeah, I'm not an old-school fan, so I try REALLY hard to pick up all the history that is being reflected in the new stuff. How can you judge something if you're missing half the impact it has, because you don't know the canon? (There go my fannish instincts again.)


greyandgrey July 7 2007, 04:30:56 UTC
*dies* OH PETE WENTZ, ilu! I can't wait to read that article!
(Did that cover say august07? do I really have to wait a month to read the full story behind that quote?)

I mean, even just watching a full episode with someone there to help you out with character history! Give it that before you declare that it sucks!

Dude, you know what should totally exist for bandom? A community full of fic requests. People post with things they want to see, and people looking for inspiration go there for ideas, then link what they've written in a comment.


kalpurna July 7 2007, 04:47:25 UTC
A community for fic requests? I think we could call it MY JOURNAL. I am a one woman demand-a-thon. SIGH.

Usually magazines are dated a month ahead, I DON'T KNOW WHY. So hopefully, it should be scanned soon!


elaine_marie July 7 2007, 04:13:01 UTC
I'm sure people don't write about this because they feel it's inappropriate, or they don't know enough about the situation, or they just find it depressing, and I'm not saying those aren't valid reasons. I'm just saying that I want to read it.

I hope this doesn't make me sound like a total ass but if people write about all sorts of sexual things...AA fic shouldn't be that bad. I would love to read this fic too, I had never thought about it and I guess I never really thought about Gerard in appears that I just don't think about much of anything. Heh. I would just love to read a really in depth character piece about him going through that struggle, it could be so very enjoyable (in an odd way).


kalpurna July 7 2007, 04:27:32 UTC
Oh, dude, TOTALLY valid point - we write (uhhhh, some of us write) MPREG! And RAPE! Why should alcoholism be taboo? Although, just to play devil's advocate, the AA thing is actually a part of the real dude's life, that was probably pretty traumatic for him, and I can see how that would squick people. There's a lot of people who can't cope with reading slash about dudes who are married IRL, too. RPS leads to different comfort zones for different people, and I respect that!

THAT SAID - I reaaaaaaally want to read that fic. Really, really, really.


elaine_marie July 7 2007, 04:42:38 UTC
I totally hear what you are saying, totally. I forget sometimes that other people don't think just like me, of course I'm kidding but only to a point. This could totally delve into an much deeper discussion (or just blathering on my part)but it's always interesting for me to see that people have an easier time with things that I would think give them pause and a hard time with things that to me...not so big. I'm yammering.


kalpurna July 7 2007, 04:50:24 UTC
I tl;dr-d all over Dira below! I dunno, I've been kind of thinky about RPS meta lately. Hmmmmm.


shoemaster July 7 2007, 04:17:09 UTC



kalpurna July 7 2007, 04:28:47 UTC

Uhm, that is why you love me, obvs! I put INTERESTING THOUGHTS in your head!


dsudis July 7 2007, 04:18:08 UTC


I did, actually, feel really weird entering the fandom by writing about Gerard going to AA, because that felt really intrusive, because... I dunno. Making out with Frankie is something Gerard sells, you know? Going to meetings is not (well, except that it kind of is, or is something that he gives away for free because he wants everyone to have it, but in my head it is still not quite the same thing as making out with Frank on stage).

...but then I got over that and got back to writing about Gerard Being More or Less Okay. Which reminds me that there's a story I need to finish writing. *g*


strangecobwebs July 7 2007, 04:33:52 UTC
Which reminds me that there's a story I need to finish writing. *g*

Yes please. :)


kalpurna July 7 2007, 04:39:13 UTC

Yeah, dude, I respect that discomfort! It's so - RPS is so funny that way. Everyone has different lines, and I can see how that one would cause problems for some people. I guess the way I get around it mentally is that, well. Gerard isn't really selling his boykissing, exactly; he's not doing it to gain fans, I truly believe. He's doing it because he wants that to be the kind of thing his fans see, and think about, and have fun with. He's using his position to put that image into our heads, force that to be part of our world, for us to deal with it. And he's also using his position to make sure people know about alcoholism, and recovery, and that he's been through it, and we can make it too. (There's five dudes just as fucked up...) Fanfiction, for me, is not an essentially trivial activity, no matter how trivial it seems on the surface - it's a way for me to better understand the world around me, to work through my issues, to think more deeply about my life and the lives of ( ... )


dsudis July 7 2007, 20:51:47 UTC
Yeah, sorry, "selling" is sort of shorthand for this whole mental model I have of RPS (which is, basically, that there's the real Gerard who exists in the world as a real person, and then there's my Gerard doll that I play with, and the Gerard doll is something I 'bought' from Gerard, made of all the public-persona stuff he 'sells' - and it's not that I don't believe the stuff I buy - I wouldn't buy it if I didn't - but it's still all stuff he puts out there in a way that, say, his relationship with Eliza wasn't (which is why I don't have an Eliza doll, aside from the fact that, yeah, I wouldn't be all that interested in having one if it were for sale) and, wow, this is a very labyrinthine little parenthetical comment). And, no, I completely agree with you about fic being non-trivial, because between the amount of work I put into it sometimes and the fact that I kind of wind up understanding everything about the world through fic in some way or other, I'm right there with you ( ... )


izzybeth July 7 2007, 04:23:22 UTC
the thing i love SO MUCH about Who? is that the commentary on race and gender and sexuality and HUMANITY, we're getting all of this in a family show. a CHILDREN'S SHOW. Who is historically for kids. and i get that it's a bit of a different animal now, but even so. we'd never get something of that quality in this country, would we? where the most in-depth analysis of LGBT issues is the occasional fag joke on a crappy sitcom.

so yeah. yay Who. (and yay internets that i can have Who without having to move across oceans.)

::goes to read links::


greyandgrey July 7 2007, 04:38:27 UTC
Well, what's more important than it being a kid's show is that it's a popular show. Which is awesome! Anything approaching this level of analysis on any one of those issues would only be found on HBO or Showtime or something else not on basic cable. And it wouldn't get very high ratings which would probably lead to its cancellation after about a season and a half, even though it might win an Emmy for that first season.

SciFi premiered S3 tonight. We're a full season behind. So yay internets, indeed!


kalpurna July 7 2007, 04:52:18 UTC
Forget that - can you even process the fact that TORCHWOOD is successful? Because I CAN'T.


greyandgrey July 7 2007, 05:00:58 UTC
You mean that show where all the lead characters have had at least one homoerotic experience on screen? That show where the traditional binary system of sexuality doesn't so much exist? Gee, I see no problems with a show like that having major commercial success in the US. *eyeroll*

It's a good show. I enjoy it muchly. Thank gia for TV Links. And the fact that Who and Torchwood weren't originally picked up by Fox.


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