Someday, I am going to make a post entirely free of capslock. When I do: call an ambulance.

Jul 06, 2007 23:42

  • Lately, Pete has been spelling shit correctly in his blog posts - or, at least, there don't seem to be any accidental typos. THIS IS HUGE FOR ME, PEOPLE. Is it the iPhone??? Is it just that he found a real computer for once? I really hope it's the iPhone, because that means he'll keep doing it. (Maybe next: CAPITAL LETTERS. DARE TO DREAM.)
  • Doctor Who. Doctor fucking Who, I love you so hard. I can't imagine that anyone who cares hasn't seen the finale yet, but just in case.

    Here's the thing: the Who finale, the whole damn seasonal arc, actually, was about us. Yeah, us. The fans. Not only "the fans", actually, but the fangirls, OUR kind of fans - the female-built fan spaces, the fanfiction and fansites and community-building, text-analysing, overidentifying FANS. The medical students. GOD I LOVE IT. OH MAN. Stop blogging, says the Doctor - keep blogging, says the metatext. You're not good enough, Martha, says the Doctor - you're too good, says the metatext. You deserve better, says the metatext, because damn, you are so fucking cool, you with your storytelling, you with your viral marketing, you with your motherfucking fandom. Yeah, that's right. You.

    For similar but better takes on this, see: here, here, ETA: here.

    I know there's a lot of meta going down in that fandom right now about Women in Refrigerators, and about race, and I just - okay. I am totally not saying that those things are not legitimate to bring up, or that they are not problems, because I'm not ignorant enough to say the first, and I'm just ignorant enough (of the meta that's already out there) to not try and argue the second. But you guys, I still - I don't have statistics, I don't have sophisticated data. All I know is that the feeling I get, the HUNCH I have about this show, is that it loves us. The writers, they love us. They're trying, they really, really are. If they're being racist or sexist, I really, really do think it's an accident. That doesn't mean you can't point it out! I'm just - I just want to make sure we're keeping a tiny bit of perspective here. SGA has never, ever, had one tenth of the intelligent commentary on gender and race and dear lord, sexuality, that Who has, and I think we should... keep that in mind. Okay? That's all. Just keep in mind that out of all the fandoms out there, out of comics fandom and SGA and Smallville and even RPS, DW is not the enemy.
  • I went and read what you guys wrote about me in the anonymous love meme, and then I cried. I love you TOO. Also, akdsjaflkjsfd I wish it wasn't anonymous, because omg, TEASES!!! (Hahahahaha, except those of you who fail at anonymity. Anonywhat?) ILU TOOOOOO, OH GOSH. HEARTS AND HEARTS. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
  • SPEAKING of anonymity (whoa, was that not an amazing segue?) I keep thinking about Gerard and alcoholism, oh my God, pretty much all the time. While I've never been in recovery myself, I do have a certain amount of familiarity with what it means to get sober, and with AA in particular, and oh. Man. I want so much fic about Gerard's sponsor, you guys. SO MUCH. Yeah, sure, I know Dira already wrote all that amazing GSGF, but come on: I need mooooore. Was his sponsor someone from a rock band (God, I hope not)? Or more likely, was it someone totally normal, some - oh, some seventy-year-old woman who's been sober since her son died and who talks to Gerard on the phone for hours and hours when he's feeling weak; or some forty-year-old man who built a whole new life for himself after wrecking the first, who invites Gerard over for dinner with his wife and their two kids; or a grandfather or an ex-crack-addict or a basketball player or a librarian or all of the above. In AA, there's no authority to tell you who you should talk to - you just approach someone you like, someone who's been sober a while, and ask them to be your sponsor, and they accept or decline. Who would Gerard pick? What kind of person would take on some musician, seventeen days from rock bottom, going back out on tour within a week? Does he still have the same sponsor? How often do they talk? Does she live in Jersey? Does he invite Gerard to his daughter's wedding? I'm sure people don't write about this because they feel it's inappropriate, or they don't know enough about the situation, or they just find it depressing, and I'm not saying those aren't valid reasons. I'm just saying that I want to read it.

    And - and. I know that what I just said applies EVEN MORE to what I'm about to say, because wow, this crosses a whole bunch of comfort lines for people, I'm sure, but. AA is a religious, or at least spiritual, organization. It - there's a lot of talk about higher powers. There's a lot of faith. For many people, it serves a similar role to church. And I want to know what Gerard thinks about that so, so, so badly. Uhm, someone write me RPF about alcoholism and religion: GO!

    AND AND. (I wasn't kidding about me thinking about this all the time!) I also just want to say that I knew, I knew he was involved in AA, long before I heard specific canon to back it up, just from the way he talks about alcoholism and about himself. Searching and fearless moral inventory? See: all of LotMS. And oh, oh, I want to read the fic where he helps someone else get sober, because that's a big part of being in AA, and it's something that he would get behind so, so hard. Oh shit, you guys. He would get to save someone's life - for real. FOR REAL. Ohhhhh and I want to, oh fuck, I REALLY want to read the fic where GERARD is someone ELSE'S sponsor. OH MY GOD, WRITE ME THAT.

    okay. okay. I'm done now.

doctor who, gerardolopoly, bandom, meta, meme, plkw3, plot bunnies

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