(for xiujaemin) Let My Star Rise on Your Night

Aug 27, 2014 15:15

For: xiujaemin
Title: Let My Star Rise on Your Night
Pairings: Kai/D.O
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~4.7k
Summary: Kyungsoo sings and Jongin is learning how to rule a country.
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for your lovely prompts and I hope you will like this fic! <3

Let My Star Rise on Your Night )

rating: nc17, !fic, !justkaisoo, pairing: kai/d.o

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Comments 26

duqingzhu August 31 2014, 02:17:47 UTC
THIS WAS SUCH A GREAT FIC there is a sadness in my heart bc it's not longer bUT WOW RRLY *____* so nice.

“I’m not that drunk, you know,” Kyungsoo mumbles against his lips, fingers clumsily unbuttoning Jongin’s pajamas. “But I like kissing you. We should do this again.” tHIS KILLED ME

jealous jongin is the ultimate weakness. the way you could /tell/ they loved each other but held back from saying anything was !!! and that part where jongin wanted soo to quit being an idol and soo talked about dreams being crushed >>>o


certainangles September 22 2014, 09:21:56 UTC
HELLO MY WRITER! i wish i have the capability to write longer but i'm kinda stuck... cries thank you so much for leaving this comment <333


ksooluv August 31 2014, 07:45:52 UTC
THE ONLY PROBLEM WITH THIS FIC IS THAT IT IS NOT LONG ENOUGH!!!!! the writing in this fic is so wonderful without the use of bombastic words or even flowery language and that's such a skill ;;;; i love how simple of a read this is and yet you have captured the most important parts of the fic; jongin's jealousy (a result of his fondness for kyungsoo?) and his strong sense of duty and oh my god i also really love your characterization of him in this fic! i am not sure if this is goong au, though? the scene where kyungsoo threw the book at jongin was so intense and so so so good, i googled what a gisaeng was and i get why kyungsoo was mad at him rofl xD

i really enjoyed reading this and i hope you'd write more of this au!!! thank you for writing this <3


taoqtpies August 31 2014, 08:07:15 UTC
I agree with you this fic is not long enough!!!! ;_________;


certainangles September 23 2014, 02:05:29 UTC
cries at the two of you ;;;; THE PROBLEM is i really don't have the vocabulary or word bank to even use "bombastic words or even flowery language" tbh so i try to keep my writing as simple as possible! you're right hehe it's not a goong au contrary to popular belief and i did deviate a lot from the au if i was indeed writing it! YES LOL JONGIN WAS BEING ALL SNEAKY ABOUT THAT GISAENG THING ofc kyungsoo would get offended t b h

THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO much for reading this & leaving me these precious comments <3


taoqtpies August 31 2014, 08:05:32 UTC
this is written so beautifully i really cannot find the words to relay my love for what i had read because no words can match the way YOU worded this entire story!!! from the beginning when you described jongin's reluctance for his title to his friends and then finally to marrying kyungsoo and falling in love with him... i feel as though there is much more to this fic that hasn't been told so i definitely would want a longer fic out of this!!!

i love the part when kaisoo made love, it wasn't full of smut but it's sounded so loving and romantic and soft, is that even a word to describe it hahaha but yes, you wrote that scene so well!!!

“I think I might love you,” Kyungsoo sighs, when they are done. He has an arm thrown against Jongin’s chest as he snuggles closer. “If you can stop acting like you’re so cool."

“Yeah?” Jongin says but Kyungsoo is already snoring away, softly. He ignores the sinking feeling in his chest at the words, trying not to hurt too much because Jongin knows he has already fallen in love with Kyungsoo.

He’s ( ... )


certainangles September 30 2014, 13:17:53 UTC
I AM SO ;___; flattered and relieved by this comment hehehehe thank you for reading and leaving me this LOVELY COMMENT <3 you're so kind with your words sobs i'm not all THAAAAAT good but i try!!! thank you once again <3


chenminhun August 31 2014, 08:18:37 UTC
so my friend linked me to this goong!au and i have to thank her because this is a very good fic and i really enjoyed reading this!!! i'll come back with a longer comment and pour all my love for you authornim ;;;; just a question- what happened to chansoo and why are they not on speaking terms? T__T


chenminhun September 1 2014, 03:23:36 UTC
i really wish that this fic is longer because i feel like more could have been written about how jongin falls in love ;;; but that being said, i think you have written a complete fic even though it is not thousands of words long so that's a skill in itself <3 i like how this fic is succinct too, the words used are simple and yet you manage to drive your point across.

jealous jongin is so ;____; i really like how you write his jealousy as not being too over the top or possessive/obsessive! he's so cute in this fic and how kyungsoo snaps at him and the hurt

“Contrary to what the fucking media says, I am not fucking any of my members.” There is hurt in his voice because Jongin hears the slight quiver and he knows it’s not just the fatigue. THIS PART ;;_________ ( ... )


certainangles September 30 2014, 13:20:28 UTC
HELLO!! thank you so much for reading this and leaving me a comment <3333

ok idrk why chansoo are not on good terms tbh i havent really thought of why... i guess im just trying to put it across to everyone that sometimes you just meet people whom you can't rly click with and with no reasons! it just happens...idk maybe it's just me ;____; maybe i'll work on why they're not talking.. a chansoo arc someday.... hahahah idk let's see!!

SOBS SIMPLE WORDS ARE USED BC I AM REALLY NOT THAT GOOD ;___; but thank you, i'm happy you understand the story i'm trying to tell;;; oops and yea i kinda got mixed up.... i've edited the boyfriend part on my LJ ^^ thank you for pointing that out!!


karimjong August 31 2014, 10:57:21 UTC
Whoa a Goong AU whoaaa this whole fic exchange is more than i could wish for.
Jongin knew he was going to marry someone of the royal family’s choice but never quite male and an idol too. /cackles

So glad that you put your own touch to this AU i am so happy (and wish it was longer XD)


certainangles September 30 2014, 13:23:39 UTC
hiiiiii omgosh first things first, thank you so much for reading this and leaving me this comment!

idt i was going for goong au, it just so happens that jongin was a crown prince? i didn't really had goong au in mind at all unless you count the royalty backgrounds hehehe AND I REALLY cannot tell you if i'm going to write any more of this... we'll see if my muse comes back for this fic ^^

thank you!!!!


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