My Love

Feb 10, 2015 22:22

Title: My Love
Pairing: Jongin/Kyungsoo
Length: 2.2k
Genre: romance, fluff, slight angst
Summary: Kyungsoo has his bad days.
Kyungsoo can't help himself once he sees it and storms over, dropping into Jongin's lap, and kisses him full and earnest on the lips... )

t: my love, au: canon, p: kai/kyungsoo, f: exo

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Comments 9

kyuhnng February 10 2015, 12:31:11 UTC
this is so sweet. kaisoo <3


hearteulips February 10 2015, 13:07:37 UTC
Okay first let me enumerate how this fic HURT ME:

1) He feels selfish, because he knows Jongin will always come running to him no matter what he does or how he acts. And he's always known it. And sometimes he uses it to his advantage. And he wishes his feelings didn't get the best of him, especially when it comes to Jongin because he knows Jongin would never do what he does. And Jongin deserves better.

2) "You're too good to me. Far too good."

3) It kills him, what has he done, he has to do better, he has to do better for Jongin, Jongin's face kills him, he wipes his eyes-

4) "I don't deserve you." Kyungsoo's voice shakes with fondness. He doesn't know how he ended up with Jongin. Jongin, so full of love for the world and for Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo, who kept fucking it all up. 5) THIS IS CANON VERSE WHICH JUST MAKES EVERYTHING 113x SADDER ( ... )


kaiice February 11 2015, 01:38:36 UTC
i really didn't mean for it to turn out so angsty, i had it so nice it my head and then???

honestly jongin's so head over heels with soo whether its really just platonic or more it's so darn endearing, i feel like he just can't help himself and i had to write it

thank you so much for this cute comment and for the rec you're too good to me!!


jodassie February 10 2015, 15:19:50 UTC
I usually lurk on journals but I just /had/ to tell you how much I loved this ;u; I was having such a stressful week at uni but reading this really made my day~ I just loved how you portrayed their love in this sob ;__; it's so tender and so sweet but yet not at all cheesy and just so... perfect :') I esp loved jongin's characterisation in this argh this was so nice (but I feel so lonely now where can I find a jongin I want one too) argh I'm so sorry for rambling you probably think Im creepy now sob but thank you for writing this!! ^^ sending you some sarang~ ♡♡♡


kaiice February 11 2015, 01:41:34 UTC
oh thank you for taking the time to comment! I definitely want a jongin too! so badly! it's hard watching this love sick puppy and wondering where i can get one (or how to get him since he's so immersed in soo haha)

you're not creepy at all, you're so nice thank you ;; sending you some sarang back~~~~


kagoume February 10 2015, 23:56:17 UTC
i always love non au because it seems more real the pain the feelings and with how you write this its EVEN MORE REAL LIKE 100X MORE REAL AND MY TEARS ARE REAL GOSH SO GOOD ;____;


kaiice February 11 2015, 01:45:14 UTC
ahh thank you! it's so nice to hear this kind of comment, this comment is too kind pls don't tear ♡♡♡


read0write February 11 2015, 05:44:58 UTC
aww cute :)


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