Title: Happiness Pairing(s): Simba|Youngjin (JJCC) x Kai|Jongin (Exo) Rating: PG-13 Length: 5380 Warning(s): [Please click to open.]Age Gap | Unusual Pairings Summary: After a bad breakup, Youngjin finally decided to try the agency.
Author's Note: The prompt was interpreted, the key aspects and making things my own. I hope that's alright with you guys.
Title: no need to play pretend Pairing(s): kai/chanyeol Rating: PG13 Length: 14.6k Summary: On the eve of his sister's wedding, Chanyeol hires Jongin to pose as his boyfriend so he doesn't have to confront his ex alone. It's easy enough to make everyone believe they're in love, but he doesn't count on Jongin being so convincing that Chanyeol starts
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Title: Yours was the beginning (Mine was the end) Pairing(s): Jongin/Sehun Rating: R Length: 5.8K Warning(s): [Please click to open.]Foul language, top!jongin, rimming, unprotected sex. Summary: Jongin is 25 years old, and as a literature graduate who works at a prestigious publishing house in New York, he can quote dozens of authors who, like him, believe we all have
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Title: Three Is a Charm, Two Is Not the Same Pairing(s): Chanyeol/Kyungsoo, Chanyeol/Jongin/Kyungsoo Rating: R/NC-17 Length: ~18K Warning(s): [Please click here to open.]Polyamory Summary: Jongin and Kyungsoo are best friends. Kyungsoo starts dating Chanyeol. Chanyeol thinks they can do better. Author's Note: Thanks mods for bearing with me through my objectively terrible
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Title: Our hands aren't tied (but we move as though they are) Pairing(s): Jongin/Sehun Rating: R Length: 31,000 Warning(s): [Please click to open.]Alcohol and drug references Summary: Jongin drinks too much, too often. Author's Note: To my wonderful beta H - thank you for being so patient and friendly. And to A - thank you for figuratively holding my hand and literally
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Title: Artificial Lover Pairing(s): Suho/Kai Rating: PG-13 Length: 9.1k Summary: Junmyeon's plans to finish the "Fastest Space Ship" are put on hold when a decommissioned android is brought into his shop.
Author's Note: I hope everyone enjoys reading this fic as much as I did writing it. Happy reading! ❤️
Title: Lights On, Minds Off (Fall Into Me) Pairing(s): kaisoo Rating: PG-13 Length: 25.7k Summary: Idol-turned-actor Jongin and rising star Kyungsoo have their problems but maybe the set of their new drama isn't the best place to solve them.
Author's Note: This is about 20k longer than it really should be and I also made some changes to the
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Title: sweet coffee bitter strawberry Pairing(s): kris / jongin (karis, kriskai) Rating: nc-17 Length: ~ 15000 Warning(s): [Please click to open.]smut, porn, little plot, did i mention smut? Summary: The problem with Kris is that he cannot say no to his assistant, Kim Jongin. Not even to coffee, and Kris despises coffee. One day, Kris dreading the regular schedule
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Title: CC ≥ MSC Pairing(s): Jongin/Luhan Rating: NC-17 Length: 6300 Warning(s): [Please click to open.]porn with plot Summary: When Jongin happens to take one particular book from one particular shelf in the library, he is very surprised to see human eyes staring back at him from the other side. Except the eyes are not of a human, but of a maniac who claims to be
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Title: Incu-bye (I Demand a New Job) Pairing(s): Kai/Chen Rating: PG-13 Length: 3,024 words Warning(s): [Please click to open.]cursing, alcohol Summary: Kim Jongin: newly deceased and newly assigned. The problem? How did a socially awkward, accident prone guy become an incubus?
Author's Note: I can honestly say I would 100% be Jongin in this kind of situation haha.
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