Title: CC ≥ MSC Pairing(s): Jongin/Luhan Rating: NC-17 Length: 6300 Warning(s): [Please click to open.]porn with plot Summary: When Jongin happens to take one particular book from one particular shelf in the library, he is very surprised to see human eyes staring back at him from the other side. Except the eyes are not of a human, but of a maniac who claims to be
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Ahhhh, this was everything I ever wished for! The sweetness in between a heavy rated scene was beautiful. If you were ever up for writing more within this au, I definitely would read. Thank you! Great job!
Thank you very much for reading and leaving a comment! I never knew how much I needed no-filter!Luhan and wise!Jongin in my life until I saw this prompt.. and then this just typed its way onto my screen in about three days. I do love writing smut ^_^
I will keep in mind the idea of setting other stories in this au ^_^. I'm in the process of setting up my lj with stories now, so if anything appears, it will be there.
ok im so happy right now so ill probably use a lot of caps and none of this would even make sense but butbutbut I LOVE THIS I LOVE YOU AUTHOR YOU MADE MY DAY aaaaa ;__; /sends more eternal love and blessing/ <333
( ... )
Thank you so so so much for your caps-filled comment - the fact that I got a new comment weeks after this story got posted actually feels like it increased the amount of happiness I got while reading it! ^_^
Your prompt was so unique, and I am so keen to keep alive ot12 pairings, so I was happy to write it.
If write Kai, he is the playboy character, but if I write Jongin, he is more complex and mature and (I think) far more interesting ^_^
.. what am I saying, I wrote this for the smut, and incoporating MAMA au powers into smut hehehehehehe.
Also I realise now I didn't explain the title anywhere (silly me!) - it's supposed to mean 'Classical Chinese is greater than or equal to Modern Standard Chinese'
Comments 4
I will keep in mind the idea of setting other stories in this au ^_^. I'm in the process of setting up my lj with stories now, so if anything appears, it will be there.
Thank you again! Have a fabulous 2017!
ok im so happy right now so ill probably use a lot of caps and none of this would even make sense but
butbutbut I LOVE THIS I LOVE YOU AUTHOR YOU MADE MY DAY aaaaa ;__; /sends more eternal love and blessing/ <333 ( ... )
Your prompt was so unique, and I am so keen to keep alive ot12 pairings, so I was happy to write it.
If write Kai, he is the playboy character, but if I write Jongin, he is more complex and mature and (I think) far more interesting ^_^
.. what am I saying, I wrote this for the smut, and incoporating MAMA au powers into smut hehehehehehe.
Also I realise now I didn't explain the title anywhere (silly me!) - it's supposed to mean 'Classical Chinese is greater than or equal to Modern Standard Chinese'
Again, thanku for the prompt and the comment ^_^
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