Fic: Coming Clean, Remus/Sirius, R/NC17

Sep 05, 2005 15:38

Title: Coming Clean
Author: kabeyk
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: hard R to NC17
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Squeaky, awkward, first-time bath-sex.
Author notes: Many thanks to _emeraldgreen, minnow_53 wildestranger and liadlaith for the read-through. Title suggested by minnow_53, woo! Written for the birthday of bonoffee, which was, like, yonks ago. Sorry.

and Remus kissed him then; badly and full of teeth and bathwater and too much saliva )

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Comments 112

dramaphile September 5 2005, 16:35:31 UTC
I love how awkward and imperfect this is, all full of fumbly wet boylovin. yum.

Sirius didn't know whether to laugh or, well, stare. 'Look, if you wanna have a wank just go for it; I've seen James do it loads.'

Remus made a funny choky noise. 'You've seen him-'

*giggle* nunnghhh Sirius watching James wank= karyn's melted brains.


kabeyk September 5 2005, 16:37:53 UTC
Hee, thank you! I just wanted to write something really messy and awkward, so thank you.x

Heh, oh yeah, and I'm writing some Sirius/James at the moment.



dramaphile September 5 2005, 16:40:21 UTC
Heh, oh yeah, and I'm writing some Sirius/James at the moment.

*gropes you for encouragement*


kabeyk September 5 2005, 16:41:53 UTC
Ooh, that groping is really helping, oh yeah... Just a bit lower...


_emeraldgreen September 5 2005, 16:41:29 UTC
Yay! I'm allowed to squeal now and not be serious! (not that I was anyway)

Remus' worried eyes were far too bright now and his toes were wiggling unhappily beneath Sirius' knees

WRIGGLING TOES! EEE! I have such a foot kink, and yet they totally squick me at the same time. But I LIKE it when they squick me. *is weird*

I LOVED the awkwardness of it, oh yes, and most of all, THE SQUEAKY NOISES!

Oh gosh, and Remus kissing badly *has a kink for bad kissing in fic* and Sirius' pant-stealing and Remus' fingers and lovely long, gangly legs, all folded up in the bath like a spider, but much, much prettier and not disgusting and I'm going to stop talking about spiders before I make myself feel sick. Anyway! LOVE IT! [/squealing]


kabeyk September 5 2005, 16:45:46 UTC
Wow, liking being squicked, that's a proper kink, that is.

I knew it! I knew it was the squeaky noises! Ha!


Thank you so much.x



_emeraldgreen September 5 2005, 16:59:51 UTC
Hee, it's only with funny squicks like feet. I don't like getting seriously squicked by nasty stuff! So, only half a pervert really.

I told you I was predictable! The squeaky noises win.


kabeyk September 5 2005, 17:06:46 UTC
Half a pervert, heh.x


glass_houses September 5 2005, 16:56:41 UTC
Fabulous! I loved when Sirius first got into the tub.. oh, the awkwardness was portrayed deliciously.


kabeyk September 5 2005, 17:13:54 UTC
Heh. Oh, thank you.



foulbeggar September 5 2005, 17:09:30 UTC
Oh, the porn! It scars my innocent little mind while also being wonderful to read because it's so well done.
The tension and the awkwardness and the tight pants! Splendid.
I loved how unsure they both were and how wholly unromantic it seemed. They are, after all, teenage boys with raging hormones.

But: 'and no girl could ever look so fucking beautiful' ... awwwwww. Fuzzlewuzzle. Lovely line.


kabeyk September 5 2005, 17:17:09 UTC
Yes, unromance, I love it! Thank you.x

Hee, fancy you noticing the tight pants when _emeraldgreen didn't!

Thank you.x



absinthe_lust September 5 2005, 17:21:13 UTC
Oohhh, YAY BATHTUB PORN. Excellent. Yay for indignant!spontaneous!Sirius and reading-in-the-bathtub!Remus. Much love for this.


kabeyk September 5 2005, 18:36:12 UTC
Heh, thank you. I love reading in the bath, so I just couldn't help adding that in. Heh.



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