Health and Orthodontics

Feb 24, 2016 10:45

Hey all! It's been a while since I updated but things are still going great ( Read more... )

orthodontics, health, hammer & chisel, american black belt academy, braces, safe, martial arts, 21 day fix, thai fit

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Comments 6

aravishermione February 24 2016, 15:50:30 UTC
Why hello stranger!! Wonderful to see a post from you!

Congrats on getting those braces off!! And it is such good news about getting off the meds too. Meds are fine but they always have long term effects and I figure, try to put off as many meds as possible if possible.

You're kicking butt in so many ways!


julietm February 24 2016, 15:52:28 UTC
Thanks!! There's a lot going on right now but it's all for the good so I'm excited about it! *huggles


adoptedwriter February 24 2016, 17:12:22 UTC
Hooray for better health and fewer meds! Martial Arts class sounds like fun. AW


kukalaka February 24 2016, 19:56:00 UTC

That all sounds good.

Don't forget to send me your new address when you've moved.


seramercury February 25 2016, 04:31:55 UTC
How awesome is all of this news!?!? I've lost 4 lbs with my exercising. I really need eat better. I sort of am but then every so often I get a little crazy with the food again. I can't help it, I love food!

I took a martial arts class for awhile and loved it! It was just a trial period so it was free. Unfortunately I couldn't afford it. :(

Love ya! <3


mustangcandi February 28 2016, 20:55:37 UTC
I'm still so excited that you'll be able to eat broccoli for St. Patrick's Day without it getting in your teeth. ;) So proud of you for all the things!! ♥


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