Health and Orthodontics

Feb 24, 2016 10:45

Hey all! It's been a while since I updated but things are still going great.

First of all -- I have an end date for my braces! Those babies are coming off on March 17th! WOOT!! I'm super excited about it. There will be some other dental work done after that but the braces will be off. MWAHAHHA! It's not been a bad journey at all and I'm really glad I did this. I'm just ready to be done now. LOL I won't know what to do with myself when I'm not at that office every two weeks. hahaha

Onto my health! The Hammer and Chisel program isn't as scary as it seemed like it would be, but it IS making me work. There are sooooo many squats and lunges. LOL We have been doing that program for 5 weeks and are now in that break period I mentioned in my last post so 21 Day Fix time. Surprising to me that I have made enough improvement that I can do jumping jacks without feeling like I'm going to die. HAHA. If you know me, you know that's a big deal because Tina doesn't jump. LOL

My progress so far has been pretty great. I've lost 9lbs and I had my Dr.'s appointment yesterday. He immediately lowered one of the doses of one of my blood pressure medications and told me if I keep on track like I am now, in 6 months he will take me off of both of my blood pressure medicines AND my cholesterol medicine so that was fantastic news! I'm really excited about that! Not that there's anything wrong with medicine -- I'm glad it exists to be able to keep people healthy but knowing I'm regulating all of that on my own feels pretty awesome.

I've also been taking a women's self-defense course called S.A.F.E. (Sexual Assault Fundamental Escapes Course) and it has been so awesome! Not only is it a confidence builder but I just really feel so much better knowing a few techniques to be able to get away if someone grabs me. I started with a one-day 2 hour course and enjoyed it so much that I signed up for the 4 Week Course. That is an annual course and seeing how I feel, I might take it again when it rolls back around just to keep the things fresh in my mind.

In that same vein, after taking the first 2-hour course, you get 2 weeks free of Thai Fit AND 2 weeks free of Martial Arts. So I'm going to go to the free Martial Arts classes and see how I like it. (I've wanted to do this since I first saw Karate Kid when I was a kid...LOL) Then in the summer when it gets dark later I'll try out the Thai Fit. Those classes are only in the evening and since I can't drive at night it's a no go for me right now.

So, all in all, things are going great. I'm still loving my program I'm doing, I'm seeing results and hopefully I'll be more prepared now to climb up the stairs to my new apartment when I move in at the beginning of April. LOL

orthodontics, health, hammer & chisel, american black belt academy, braces, safe, martial arts, 21 day fix, thai fit

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