Day 16!

Jan 16, 2016 10:44

Hey all! I haven't been posting every day but I've still been working out and eating as well as I can! So far so good. I've noticed some things already that surprised me. For example...our staff breakroom is up a couple flights of stairs at work and usually by the time I get there I am out of breath but the few times I went up there this week I was not as winded so WOOT for small victories!

Monday my fitness group is starting a program called Hammer and Chisel...I will admit I'm a bit terrified. HAHAHA I've really been enjoying the 21 Day Fix workouts and when we take a 2 week break halfway through this program I've already decided that those are the workouts I am going to do during that time.

My week at work was good. There have been a lot of schedule changes which can get really stressful but I worked through it and now it's almost finished. Even with all of that craziness and making sure all of the part-time instructors have all of their paperwork in and such, I'm still loving this position and am so glad to have this opportunity.

I had one SNAFU in my week but it all turned out ok. I walked out of the apartment with my bag, my lunch and my shakeology, closed the door behind me. All well and good keys were on the table. So I couldn't get back in and I couldn't get into my car. I had a few moments of stress, called the apartment complex (it's 7:30am and they open at 10:00, what even??). I stood there for a few minutes pondering my options and then just decided I was just going to walk to work. So, I used that as my workout that day and tried to see it as a positive. Then my friend Susan, her husband is a locksmith so she gave me a ride home and we met him here and he graciously unlocked my door for me. What a mess. LOL

I'm going to go get my groceries in the morning so that I can do my meal prep for the week. I'm going to peruse my new cookbook and see what I can come up with! YAY!!

shakeology, exercise, health, 21dayfix, hammer&chisel, work

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