I'm Alive

Aug 07, 2013 22:08

Wow it's been a really long time since I posted. I mentioned to a couple of people that I feel like nothing really interesting happens and so I don't post. I was then informed that other people might just like to know that I'm alive. LOL ( Read more... )

hunger games, ed sheeran, life, orlando bloom, music, one direction, aidan turner, star trek, karl urban, work

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Comments 8

aravishermione August 8 2013, 02:19:06 UTC
Ugh, being kicked out of your usual spot (even if it's a cube and not an office) can throw things off a lot. I hope you get back to your regular sanctum soon!

I'm not much of a music listener because I get quiet so rarely I truly enjoy it when it's available, but I've heard Ed's "A-Team" song and really love it when it comes on at the rink.

I see married people and their kids at the rink (I teach them lol) so I know what you mean. Worked in an office for a bit to meet people and got a bunch of old lady who could watch YouTube videos of cats for hours. You never know what's around the corner though. I highly recommend grocery stores if you want to meet guys ;) My goal is to not have to live with anyone lol.



julietm August 8 2013, 12:05:51 UTC
YAY for hearing Ed at the rink! Think of me when you do next time! HAHA

He has some REALLY great songs. When/if you want, let me know. He's already in my Dropbox and I'll gladly shoot you a link! : )


aravishermione August 9 2013, 13:05:44 UTC
I will :)

And sure, I'm up for some Ed songs!

♥ *GLOMPS* ♥

EDIT: Why is my icon *points* not animated? It's supposed for be a Hurley/Charlie glomp. Is it animated for you?


julietm August 9 2013, 13:55:15 UTC
OK!! I will send him over!! SQUEE!!!!

Yes, it's animated and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


spikedluv August 8 2013, 10:17:26 UTC
Howdy!! Glad to know you're still around. *g*

Yay for getting back into music. I've been doing something in that vein: putting aside my Kris/Adam/Cook CDs (yes, there was actual pain involved) and re-listening to the other million and one CDs I own when I'm in my vehicle, which has been nice.

Teen Wolf feels! I found these two posts on tumblr which explain the situation so perfectly via GIFs, lol! (no spoilers)

here and here (oops! fixed)


julietm August 8 2013, 12:04:55 UTC
HAHAHA Yes! Those posts were perfection!

I also understand what you mean about feeling pain when putting away a CD. I miss a LOT of radio because I get hooked on listening to something. It started with Olly Murrs then moved to One Direction, then Ed Sheeran (UGH) and now the Warm Bodies Soundtrack (and not the score...the actual songs...so good)


kukalaka August 12 2013, 11:25:27 UTC
Whee, I hope that we get more such posts. :) I missed reading you.


morrighu August 17 2013, 18:32:45 UTC
Good to know that you're still alive sis!

I'm guilty of not posting too- either nothing exciting is happening or not wanting to clutter up my friends page with negative drama.

I'm so excited that you're getting into music again. I will have to check out Ed Sheeran.

Karl Urban is going to be in a new TV series- MUST CHECK THIS OUT NOW!!! He just about killed me in that scene where he was wearing the white scrubs in ST: Into Darkness. *drools*


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