I'm Alive

Aug 07, 2013 22:08

Wow it's been a really long time since I posted. I mentioned to a couple of people that I feel like nothing really interesting happens and so I don't post. I was then informed that other people might just like to know that I'm alive. LOL

I guess I posted when I was doing the E-PHIT but not much since.

This summer has been full of crazy. Construction is going on at the law school so I keep being kicked out of my office or having to find alternate ways of getting around when I AM there. I've also had to have my door closed (my office has no windows) so I've felt really isolated and it's just thrown me off. I feel like I've been in sort of a funk because of it but I guess not many other people have noticed. It must just be my inner dialogue. HAHA

One good thing that I did for myself this summer was get back in touch with my music. Most of you know I used to post about SOMETHING music related at least once a post. I'm not sure what happened -- except that sometimes I allow myself to get lost in the shuffle. But, I just wasn't really listening to music except in the car and since my commute is so short, that wasn't really much at all. I know, I know...who am I? So, I found the One Direction boys and immersed myself in their music and learning about them and that led me to Ed Sheeran who I am completely addicted to. I just LOVE him!!! Can NOT stop listening. *sigh Anyways...it feels like I got back in touch with my soul and maybe that's why I've been having so many feels lately.

Everyone around me has really big things happening in their lives: relocating, starting new jobs, getting married, having babies, etc. that I started to feel a bit restless. Like, what am I doing? Getting up, going to work, coming home. Don't get me wrong I'm perfectly fine and happy being single but it does pretty much limit my ability to eventually ever meet anyone if I never do anything social and I work at a school so I just see students and older folks all the time. HAHA Oh well...we'll see what life has in store for me. Anyone read tarot cards? LOL

Let's see...I also fell in love with a zombie ("R"), found out Karl Urban is going to be in a tv show this Fall (yes, he will be on my tv every week and I will probably NOT survive it), found Aidan Turner is playing a sexy werewolf that I can't resist, read the Hunger Games and have way too many feels, am dying to see the new Star Trek again...dying to see the new season of Sherlock...found out Orlando Bloom is going to be playing Romeo on Broadway (excuse me while I die slowly). I think God hates me. LOL Oh, and I've been dealing with a lot of Teen Wolf feels as well.

There's a lot more but I'll stop for now and let you all recover from the fact that I actually posted a real post. HAHAHA

I hope everyone is doing well! Love and huggles!

hunger games, ed sheeran, life, orlando bloom, music, one direction, aidan turner, star trek, karl urban, work

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