Goings ons...

Jan 04, 2009 18:46

It's been pointed out that I've not posted here in a while and since some people were concerned, I thought I would take a chunk of time out here and make a post. *hugs the flist

DUN DUN DUN - A real post! OMG!! )

christmas, candi, julena, gym, mandy, books, webkinz, work

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Comments 14

plastrickland23 January 5 2009, 02:09:44 UTC
Happy New Year! SOunds like you are off to a great start. P.


julietm January 5 2009, 02:13:00 UTC
Thanks! Happy New Year to you too!

How goes the job??


plastrickland23 January 5 2009, 02:18:32 UTC
ooooh! love the beach icon!

The newer job is great. I know b/c I don't feel that sense of doom and gloom before returning to work after break! The only thing I dread is a loss of my personal freedom due to work, but not b/c I dread facing work. It's all good. Very different from last year but all good.



cerisereve January 5 2009, 02:24:19 UTC
Happy New Year!

Congrats on being hired full time. There is another plus to moving jobs you may not have thought of. Don't underestimate the value of cross training. It's good to be able to back someone up because it makes you even more valuable.

Which Nora Roberts series are you reading? I've heard lots of good things and lots of bad things about the Twilight books, so I've held off on getting them. Let me know what you think of them.


julietm January 5 2009, 02:27:53 UTC
Yeah, I am always sort of the multi-positional (looks at Don) kind of gal in the jobs that I work. For one, I like learning new things and also, I just think it's logical that the place shouldn't fall apart if someone calls in sick, so there should be someone trained to do that job. As long as I have all of my stuff caught up, which I usually do, then I am always eager to jump in and lend a hand.

I am reading the Circle Trilogy by Nora Roberts. It's also about vampires. I am on the third book right now...started it last night!

I'll keep you posted about the Twilight books, especially since we seem to have similar tastes. : )

Btw...how are you feeling lately sweetest??


cerisereve January 5 2009, 02:43:02 UTC
Don is the absolute *best* reason to be multi-positional. How I missed you, that's a priceless statement!!!! I hope when my boss brings up cross training again, I don't bust up laughing.

Is Morrigin's Cross the first one of that trilogy? I read the first one, but never picked up the other two.

It's snowing (and sticking) right now, so I'm feeling great! =) But seriously, I feel really good.


julietm January 5 2009, 03:42:43 UTC
haha....YAY!! I am glad that you enjoyed that statement and you can never laugh enough, so I hope you DO laugh if you boss mentions cross training. haha

Yes, Morrigan's Cross is the first one...I just finished the second one last night and started the third...I think you would enjoy the second one...they go to Geall. : )

YAY!! I am so glad to hear that you are feeling really good...that just makes my heart sing! : )

*giant smishles and snow angels


munchkinofdoom January 5 2009, 02:50:02 UTC
Yay! You posted!

I'm glad you got to see your little neice, and that Christmas was good. And I'm so happy that you're going to be permanent at your job! Yay!



mandylydena January 5 2009, 02:50:46 UTC
Yay for the New Year getting off to a good start! Yay for posts! And a BIG weeeeeeeeee to the full-time job hiring! It's good for one's soul to have stability (or so they tell me, I can't remember, lol).

I'm getting back to reading too! I started Moral Disorder by Margaret Atwood last night and I love it!

Isn't Kinzland fun!? I feel the need to get as many friends hooked as possible and Gordon wants to hang out with Murray. :)


magisterequitum January 5 2009, 03:09:50 UTC
Awww yay for having a good holiday. I'm glad to hear from you and know that you are doing well.

Yay for the job. That is fantastic. And I think it's great to get scrubs. =)



julietm January 5 2009, 03:37:59 UTC
haha! Thanks for being excited with me about the scrubs! *smish

Sorry that I haven't been commenting much...it's just been a little hectic, but I do check in on you. : )


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