Goings ons...

Jan 04, 2009 18:46

It's been pointed out that I've not posted here in a while and since some people were concerned, I thought I would take a chunk of time out here and make a post. *hugs the flist

First of all, since I haven't said it formally here...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

I hope that everyone is having a good year so far...I know that I am. The first day was amazing. I spent it however I wanted, just getting little odds and ends things done, but not really making a fuss about any of it and I really enjoyed it. I don't think I really wanted to admit to myself how much I needed just a nice, quiet, relaxing day like that.

Going back a bit here...I had a nice Christmas break too. I got to spend a great deal of time with my niece Julena, who is now 2 1/2 and sooooooo smart and funny! I just love her and it's always a great day when I get to be Aunt Tina in person. haha She loved the gift I got her and it was even 75 one day so we were all out in our t-shirts playing outside and having a great time. I loved every minute of it. She is such a gem and it always makes me sad to leave her. Thankfully she was mostly asleep when I had to go so that she wouldn't see Aunt Tina trying not to be sad. LOL

I also FINALLY got to meet Candi's niece, Emily (CUTE!!) and got to see her nephew Logan again. I hadn't seen him since he turned one and he is 5 now!! It was awesome to watch them open presents...I really had a great evening there!!

Christmas dinner was at my Aunt's house and a large portion of the family showed up, even my Uncle Adria, who never comes around and if he does, it's for 10 minutes at the most. He stayed for 2 hours, carved the ham, and even did dishes. It was awesome to see him there and to talk with him. That night I stayed there and my cousins and I played Rock Band. I had never played it before and had never even played Guitar Hero. I got so addicted to it while I was there! hahaha

I also went up to my grandmother's gravesite. I didn't really get to spend much time there, but I did go up there. It took me a minute to find her and in the process, I passed by mom's and I was amazed that I was still so affected to see it. I will definitely go back when we go home again and make sure I set aside more time...but for now, I think the amount of time I was there was enough for me to formally say goodbye.

For those of you who don't know, not long after she passed away, my granny's house burned to the ground. They never got a definite cause of the fire, but in a way I think that even though there were too many of her things that went up with the house, it was good for the family. My mom lived there when she passed away and I know that it was always hard for me to go there and to see her things and to see people acting as though nothing had happened. So, not having that might help them heal better. *shrugs

Now for the here and now. Things at work are going really well. My 90 days is up this month and I already spoke with my boss and she said that they are going to hire me full time. So, I am pretty excited about that. Some other good news is that I am going to start working the check-out window at the office. So, I'll be scheduling people's follow-up appointments, checking insurance, getting referrals, getting patient files ready for their appointments, getting new patients set up, and of course, answering the phone and all that comes with that. So...it's a big change and while I was excited, I was worried about the job I do now and how that was going to be handled. I am not so thrilled about just handing over my baby. I've busted my ass to get things organized and a system running smoothly and I don't want to see that go to shit. Wanda has assured me, though, that the person they hire to fill that position will be trained by me and basically supervised for a while to make sure that they are doing things the way I did and that they are on the ball. That made me feel a little better about it.

So, Friday I started sitting next to the woman who is doing it now and watching her and getting some tips before she handed stuff to me and told me to get it done. hahaha So...I did. I was pleasantly surprised that it's not as difficult as I thought it would be. My main thing is going to be telling people how to get there...I am sooooo bad with directions. LOL

I'll keep you posted on all of that. I might just want to run into Wanda's office and cry that I want my nice quiet dictation job back. LOL

Oh, and this is a small thing, but I am excited about it...I bought my first set of scrubs this weekend! WHEEEEEE!! haha I know it seems silly, but I can't wait to wear them!

In other news, it's the New Year and it's time for me to buck up and start taking better care of myself. So, Candi and I started back to the gym on Saturday and we are starting our diets tomorrow...this time for real. We both have weight loss goals and we are both really motivated and are already feeling better in general just from the one workout that we had. I am feeling really optimistic about it all and am actually looking forward to it. I can't wait to see the progress that we are going to make. There will be no falling off of the wagon this time and as I like to do, jump off, then turn around and burn it to the ground. hahahaha

I've also been caught up in the land of Webkinz. My Canadian Sis Mandy started collecting them and so for her birthday, Candi and I decided to get her one from each of us and send them to her. Well, I picked out this completely adorable silverback gorilla and just fell in love with him. Little did I know, Candi got me one for Christmas and so I was soooooo excited! Well, I've been playing with the virtual version of my Murray and it's been a blast. hehe

I've also been taking the time to read again. It's just a little bit of time at night, but I've been enjoying it. I think reading helps to keep my brain sharp and my imagination active. So, I am plowing through this series by Nora Roberts so that I can get to the Twilight books that Candi also got me for Christmas. Sooooo excited!

I have sooooo much tv to catch up on and hopefully I will someday, but for now, I am just going to spend the rest of the evening chillaxing. My laundry is done and I need to pack my lunch and then I will probably end up reading some more.

But anywho...there you have it. A real true and tried post from me. I'll try not to worry you all in the future....but I do love you for worrying. *giant smishles

christmas, candi, julena, gym, mandy, books, webkinz, work

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