
Jul 05, 2007 20:05

That's the word I would use to describe the days off that I've had this week. *takes a deep content breath ( Read more... )


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Comments 13

elysium1996 July 6 2007, 03:01:10 UTC
glad to hear you are welll.

What kind of fic do you write?


julietm July 6 2007, 03:09:38 UTC
Usually it's whatever I take a hankerin for. I write Numb3rs fic, Star Trek, SG1, LOTR, and I even wrote a novel once for National Novel Writing Month.

I just love to write if you want to get right now to it. : )

I hope you have a fun and safe trip to Canada!! Say Hi to Stratford if you pass by there! : )


elysium1996 July 6 2007, 10:30:21 UTC
ah. cool I am also a fellow N3 writer. DO you post your stuff or do you keep ot for you?

I had thought about doing the nanowrimo but didn't get my outline done so maybe this year.

I like writitng too. It is fun and escape.

Thanks Canada should be fun.


julietm July 6 2007, 11:30:35 UTC
Mostly I just write it for myself. As much as I wanted to do Nano last year, I just can't dedicate the time needed while I am in I'll definitely miss it 2 years in a row. *sad


seramercury July 6 2007, 08:58:10 UTC
Good to hear things are well. Now where are my Atlantis emails. ;)


julietm July 6 2007, 11:28:54 UTC
I kept you well posted and then I got pissed off so that pretty much summed up the season. LOL


annexchic July 6 2007, 14:16:06 UTC
I'm so glad that you took time for yourself and that it was obviously rejuvenating for you. :) *smishes*


julietm July 7 2007, 03:43:33 UTC
Thanks sis! I hope you know how much I appreciate you! *hugs and snugs...T


kukalaka July 7 2007, 12:11:23 UTC
Sometimes you need some time off and being lazy. It helps recharging the energy. Don't feel guilty about it. I know it's easy to say as I myself always felt guilty when I did it.

I'm jealous of your walks. I would enjoy it too. When a friend visited me for a week we also walked around my quarter and it was great. It was in late fall and the air felt so fresh.

How did you like SGA?


julietm July 12 2007, 17:52:48 UTC
I enjoyed it for the most part as usual...but I am very angry about Carson and the way they dealt with his character leaving the show...


kukalaka July 12 2007, 19:37:45 UTC
I was really mad. I knew that some character would die, but I never thought it would be Carson.


julietm July 12 2007, 20:01:09 UTC
I knew that he was leaving the show...but there are so many better ways that they could have done know?


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Love you too, Hon :* julietm July 12 2007, 17:53:43 UTC
It IS empowering. Now I just wish I had more time to be able to control it. HAHAHA

It's back to the grind though and it will all be worth it in the end.

Thanks for the support!! *hugs


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