
Jul 05, 2007 20:05

That's the word I would use to describe the days off that I've had this week. *takes a deep content breath

I admit it...I've been completely and utterly lazy and guilty a pleasure it was...I enjoyed every minute of it. : )

I got caught up on Stargate Atlantis completely and then over the course of the other days I've read 3 books and am working on a 4th. Any idea how long it's been since I've read something for pleasure? It's been ages and a worthy indulgence if I do say so myself.

I've had some time for reflection and time to just lay in the grass. It's the small things that I've been appreciating. Taking walks...and having long talks with my best friend underneath a blanket of stars with the most perfect of breezes washing over us...taking a break from the chaos of the world around me.

Yes, I know I've been a bit absent from the online world as of late, but it was something that I needed to do for myself. It wasn't an official hiatus, but it was definitely time that I set aside sparingly to be here. No offense to anyone, but knowing that I am going to planted right here for the next few months non-stop will do that to a person. : )

I enjoyed Candi's birthday thoroughly. The whole day was just a great day and it was nice to be around such wonderful people. I do miss being social at times, but there will be more time for that when I am no longer having to be disciplined and focused on school. : )

One night I even took my clipboard, paper, and pencil box into the living room, turned on some Numb3rs and got me glass of milk as I plopped down in the floor and wrote letters to people back home - real letters. Then I tinkered with some fic that I'm writing and all in all it was just a good evening for me, knowing that I had the rare freedom to do whatever in the world I wanted to do, even if that meant nothing at all.

Yes, there are things that I should have been doing over these past few days that I may regret later, but all in all, I think that the time I took wasn't selfish and was in fact good for me in many ways and I am glad that I did it.

I feel better. I feel good. When I've worked all week this week, we'll see how I feel after that, but for now I feel ready to push forward. I'm ready to meet new challenges with a new resolve and a lot less fatigue. I've been thinking that I'm ready for the next level of self-coaching. I'm not sure yet what I am going to work on specifically, but I can feel it there beneath the surface. I'm okay with where I am and am ready for new growth. It feels good to know this and to know that I can do it.

Candi and I have been walking regularly around the block and it's really been good, not only for exercise purposes, but for us as well. It's a great time to talk about things, serious or just silly. I love the feel in the air as the day surrenders to night and the mood changes as the different creatures begin to sing their chorus and the fireflies light all around us.

Close your eyes now and take a deep breath cleansing breath before moving on...think about something wonderful like this and just hold on to it for a moment...let yourself get lost in it. I forget soooo often to take that time, even if it's just for a moment. It's amazing what something so small can do for the soul.

It's back to the real world tomorrow...but it's been a great trip away and I wouldn't have traded it for anything.

I love you guys...*hugs T


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