Why Obama's Association with Bill Ayers should disqualify him from the Presidency

Oct 07, 2008 14:41

I've heard several people claim that it is unfair for John McCain and Sarah Palin to attack Barack Obama over his association with Bill Ayers. They say alternately that the association was not a close one, or that Bill Ayers is a perfectly respectable figure in Chicago politics who many people associated with ( Read more... )

chicago, william ayers, barack obama, political

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Comments 111

albear October 7 2008, 22:08:08 UTC
I wont vote, nor like either, but I want McCain to lose. The other candidate is the best of two evils is my opinion. Look what has happened in 8 years of Emperor Bush? Time to give the Democrats a chance. I don't want to continue the BS of the republicans to continue.


stryck October 7 2008, 22:12:50 UTC
We gave the Democrats a chance. They've had two years holding both houses of Congress. What happened? High gas prices and a housing bubble.

I can only imagine what will happen if we get a Democratic President to go with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.


cuddlycthulhu October 7 2008, 22:25:07 UTC
You do realize that the Democrats have what is considered a "technical" majority in both the House and the Senate yes? For instance, a "true majority" in the Senate is one where a party has the ability to break filibusters, which would be sixty seats. Democrats currently have a majority of one thanks to them including and counting Joe Leiberman among them.

The picture is larger than you think.


stryck October 7 2008, 22:34:28 UTC
Sure. We also have entrenched senators (of both parties) who are more interested in giving out pork than voting for the good of the country.

When brave men stood up and said no in the House, the Senate was glad to find a way around it.


sergeantbrother October 7 2008, 22:28:40 UTC
It seems like left wingers show a lot more respect to radicals on their side of the political aisle than conservatives do. I mean, Ayers goes around hobnobbing with Democratic leaders and having fund raisers and such - when is the last time you heard Republican leaders hanging out with former members of The Order?


sergeantbrother October 20 2008, 19:58:22 UTC
It seems like left wingers show a lot more respect to radicals on their side of the political aisle than conservatives do.

Ees called "Party Solidarity", Comrades.
Why do you think Party Members are called "Comrade"?


agilebrit October 7 2008, 23:24:14 UTC
Can you imagine the outcry if McCain was good friends with, say, David Duke? Or his pastor of twenty years was Fred Phelps? I'm betting no one on the left side of the aisle would think it was irrelevant...


jordan179 October 7 2008, 23:30:44 UTC
Note that David Duke got kicked out of the Republican Party for actions far less extreme than those committed by Bill Ayers. Yet Bill Ayers is apparently a respected member of the Chicago Machine.


agilebrit October 7 2008, 23:36:41 UTC
And nobody will claim Fred Phelps.

That's the difference between Republicans and Democrats. The GOP holds its members accountable for breaking rules or just being plain jerky. One of ours mildly sexually harrasses a woman in an elevator, we kick him to the curb. One of theirs has a roommate running a prostitution ring out of his apartment, he's a hero.


agilebrit October 8 2008, 13:53:37 UTC
Because The Party Can Do No Wrong.
Ees Party Line, Comrades.


webgodd_s October 7 2008, 23:59:40 UTC
Unless he's still good friends with him, then I don't see a problem. I'm not sure how old you are, but can you honestly say you're the same person you were 20 years ago? I know I'm not. I have people I'm no longer friends with, either.


banner October 8 2008, 01:42:28 UTC
He is good friends with him.


banner October 8 2008, 03:15:02 UTC
The Washington Post is in the tank for Obama. Obama's connection goes further than the board they sat on, that Ayers personally hired Obama for. There are a lot of places writing about it currently. Also Ayers visited Chavez recently and congratulated him on his taking over Venezuela. He's a big Castro fan too ( ... )


mosinging1986 October 8 2008, 00:49:46 UTC
I've heard several people claim that it is unfair for John McCain and Sarah Palin to attack Barack Obama over his association with Bill Ayers.

I can't imagine what kind of foolish person would say something like that - except those who continue to excuse this man for everything.

In 2004 I would've been disappointed had John Kerry won. But I would not have been afraid of him. This year, this man? Fear doesn't even begin to describe it. It leaves me STUNNED that he is even still in the running. Can you imagine a Republican with even half the questionable things that have been brought up about Obama? It's mind boggling.


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