Why Obama's Association with Bill Ayers should disqualify him from the Presidency

Oct 07, 2008 14:41

I've heard several people claim that it is unfair for John McCain and Sarah Palin to attack Barack Obama over his association with Bill Ayers. They say alternately that the association was not a close one, or that Bill Ayers is a perfectly respectable figure in Chicago politics who many people associated with ( Read more... )

chicago, william ayers, barack obama, political

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webgodd_s October 7 2008, 23:59:40 UTC
Unless he's still good friends with him, then I don't see a problem. I'm not sure how old you are, but can you honestly say you're the same person you were 20 years ago? I know I'm not. I have people I'm no longer friends with, either.


banner October 8 2008, 01:42:28 UTC
He is good friends with him.


banner October 8 2008, 03:15:02 UTC
The Washington Post is in the tank for Obama. Obama's connection goes further than the board they sat on, that Ayers personally hired Obama for. There are a lot of places writing about it currently. Also Ayers visited Chavez recently and congratulated him on his taking over Venezuela. He's a big Castro fan too ( ... )


webgodd_s October 8 2008, 12:07:39 UTC
Your first link is hugely bias and highly suspect on the account that it's derived from the GOP. They've honed their fear mongering to a razor sharp point under Dubba's (so-called) leadership.

The Washington Post may have leanings towards the Democrats, but their information still must be fact checked before being published else they lose their news credibility.

Powerline Blog seems like a normal blog among millions like this one. Nothing credible there, at least to me.

My research linked to credible news sources, and thus I choose to believe those less inclined towards personal opinion and fear mongering.

As far as who Obama is or is not friends with (and McCain, too) is not important to me. I have friends with points of view I strongly disagree with. They do not define who I am or what I believe in.


cutelildrow October 8 2008, 16:04:22 UTC
ok, and news sources are incapable of putting spin ( ... )


banner October 9 2008, 01:12:38 UTC
The Washington Post has little credibility.

Powerline is actually very credible, their three authors are often quoted by the news media and appear on TV fairly often. They're also lawyers, rather well known ones, so their take on legal issues is interesting.

But hey, even CNN is pointing out now that Obama has lied about his relationship with Ayers.

And it's one thing to have friends you disagree with, it's another to have friends who blew things up, hurt people, tried to MURDER people, and to this day maintain they did nothing wrong. Obama knows what Ayers did, but still he choose to be friends with him. You can't be friends with the devil and claim it doesn't matter.

And saying that it doesn't matter who people are friends with, that it doesn't matter the kind of people they surround themselves with, is ridiculous.


the_mcp October 9 2008, 05:47:12 UTC
Obama knows what Ayers did, but still he choose to be friends with him.

That's actually a perfect rebuttal to this "Obama was only eight years old when Ayers was doing that stuff" blather. Frankly, the fact that Ayers committed his acts of domestic terrorism when Obama was young, before Obama ever met or became associated with him, and that Ayers acts of terrorism and his lack of remorse for same were (or should have been!) known to Obama, makes Obama's choice to associate with Ayers even more damning than if they had been contemporaries who met and became friends before Ayers committed those acts.


Obama the Moral Sheep jordan179 October 9 2008, 15:55:26 UTC
And it's one thing to have friends you disagree with, it's another to have friends who blew things up, hurt people, tried to MURDER people, and to this day maintain they did nothing wrong. Obama knows what Ayers did, but still he choose to be friends with him. You can't be friends with the devil and claim it doesn't matter.

Indeed. Bill Ayers didn't merely advocate something evil (American defeat), he actively and illegally worked for it by leading an organization that set off dozens of bombs, caused serious damage, burned down at least one family home, and tried to murder people. The fact that he was never brought to trial, owing to a technicality, is irrelevant -- he outright admitted his guilt once he could no longer be legally punished for it.

His acceptance as a respectable person by the Chicago political and social elite does not magically make him respectable -- what it does is to make the Chicago political and social elite not respectable. Obama, who claims to hew to an independent moral vision, could have shown the ( ... )


headnoises October 8 2008, 03:42:58 UTC
jordan179 October 9 2008, 16:11:40 UTC
Unless he's still good friends with him, then I don't see a problem. I'm not sure how old you are, but can you honestly say you're the same person you were 20 years ago?

Obama was still working with Ayers as late as 2001. This was not "20 years ago," unless the year is 2021 and I just wasn't paying attention to the controls on my time machine.

As for Ayers, your argument might have some merit if he'd apologized for or repudiated his actions in the 1970's (which were 30 years ago, not 20). But far from doing that, Ayers has repeatedly said that he only wishes he'd done more. He gloats over his crimes ( ... )


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