White Working Classes Begin to Bolt from the Democratic Party

Jun 01, 2008 10:02

This is incredibly good news for America:

Courtesy of View from the Right,


Harriet Christian said:

I'm not going to shut my mouth anymore. I can be called white but you can't be called black. That's not my America. It ( Read more... )

democrats, racism, john mccain, barack obama, political

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Comments 80

fizzyland June 1 2008, 17:35:38 UTC
Racism is the result of the Democratic Party? Do tell.


mrbogey June 1 2008, 17:45:44 UTC
Ohmigod! Are you saying no Democrat is ever racist?

See what I did there? I asked you to answer a question based upon something you never claimed. I don't believe he said racism is the result of Democrats but for some kooky reason you want him to explain it.


electorprince June 1 2008, 18:49:36 UTC
Not the result, but certainly the perpetuation of.


sergeantbrother June 1 2008, 19:18:05 UTC
I agree. The Democratic party didn't create racism, but they certainly perpetuate it with race baiting. Which stands to reason, since identity politics is one of the major strategies of the Democratic party.


yechezkiel June 1 2008, 17:52:49 UTC


jordan179 June 2 2008, 03:19:48 UTC

Begin what?


yechezkiel June 2 2008, 04:27:09 UTC
"White Working Classes Begin to Bolt from the Democratic Party"


jordan179 June 2 2008, 14:23:32 UTC
Oh, got you.

Well, until recently, the Democrats had a pretty firm grip on the union vote. And many of the "Reagan Democrats" remained Democrats even after voting for Reagan. The intense hatred and contempt being aimed at Hillary's supporters by Obama's may permanently split the party. Indeed, it might collapse and be replaced by some other party or parties.


operations June 1 2008, 18:07:01 UTC
Well, I think you're being overly optimistic here, but only time will tell.


sergeantbrother June 1 2008, 18:26:17 UTC
I think that Obama may have more to do with driving whites from the Democratic party than McCain has to do with attracting them. I think that a lot of white America is ready to vote for a black guy, but its going to be hard getting moderate swing voting whites to vote for a black supremacist like Obama; particularly with all of the racial baggage that the Democrat party carries from decades of race baiting and divisiveness.


rinku June 1 2008, 23:29:00 UTC
He's only half black, so I can't imagine how he'd be a black supremacist. A multi-racial supremacist, maybe.


irked_indeed June 1 2008, 23:57:42 UTC
Do you need to be black to be a black supremacist?

I mean, I'm not convinced Obama is one, but it seems like you could theoretically have a white black supremacist. I'm not sure his particular genetic mix disqualifies him.


rinku June 2 2008, 02:01:00 UTC
I guess, but it seems less likely.


stauros June 1 2008, 19:22:52 UTC
I've been wondering for years when the black Democrats will wake up to how they're being used ...


stauros June 1 2008, 19:27:57 UTC
and incidentally, in 1996 this white Anglo-Saxon evangelical conservative cast his Presidential ballot for Alan Keyes (long before Mr. Keyes swerved to the loony far right). I look at principles, not skin.


bdunbar June 1 2008, 22:04:33 UTC
See Malcolm X's 'Ballot or the Bullet' speech. If I may selectively quote ..

This government has failed us. Our white liberal friends .. have failed us. We need a self-help philosophy.

In parts the man sounds almost libertarian, if not conservative.


stauros June 2 2008, 00:41:07 UTC
He was still searching for solutions when he was murdered. Nobody can say where he would have ended up, either politically or religiously.

On the other hand, W.E.B. Du Bois was calling for a self-help philosophy half a century before Malcolm X, with the "Talented Tenth" leading the way.


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