Obamacare's Passed -- Now What?

Mar 22, 2010 17:26


Obamacare has now passed the House, and will almost certainly also pass the Senate. That is the worst of it. Now, let's think about what this means,

What does it MEAN? )

2010 election, 2012 election, 2014 election, health care, nancy pelosi, barack obama, political

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Comments 68

ford_prefect42 March 23 2010, 00:35:01 UTC
The senate bill is on Obama's desk now. The reconciliation bill has to pass congress, but that does not need to pass, the senate bill is still "obamacare". Just hope that the reconciliation bill stalls, it is much worse than the senate bill.


metaphorsbwithu March 23 2010, 01:39:59 UTC
You assume you are dealing with people who are rational, fair, who play by your rules, and who deal with real facts, opinions, and issues.

There will be a diversion. A scandal, probably, or some act of violence, and the media will do all it can (much as it did in 2005 with the Mark Foley email scandal) to orchestrate a continuous barage of negative publicity against conservatives, the Republican party, and anyone who is associated with an anti-healthcare "reform" movement.

In the meantime there will be a push for amnesty, cap and trade, and more demonization of the energy sector.

And more division, and more demonization. It's all they have.


jordan179 March 23 2010, 04:28:24 UTC
You're assuming that they have the power to win by not playing "fair." The problem is that the law is not administered, all over the nation, by people willing to break it to get the Democrats re-elected in 2010 and 2012. Given this, the moderates will vote against them, assuming even minimal Republican leadership.

The mainstream media's ability to control the public perception of events diminishes steadily. By 2012, let alone 2014, it may be negligible. It's already tiny, compared to what I remember it was 20-30 years ago.


metaphorsbwithu March 23 2010, 04:39:03 UTC
Well, I didn't say they'd win. I was just describing what will happen between now and November.

I certainly hope people have woken up and STAY woken up. I'm re-doubling my efforts.

However, nothing the American electorate does can surprise me anymore. NOTHING can be taken for granted. It will take EVERY person who CAN vote to get out and vote.

I will be satisfied by nothing more than a total rout of the Dems this year, and that's going to take a lot of people with backbone, and who can remember what has happened and how it was done.

If not this year, after all of this, it will never happen, and we are doomed for many generations if not forever. Insurance companies will stop selling health insurance for the same reason insurance companies here stop selling hurricane insurance when they get hit hard. They'd go broke ... which is EXACTLY what Obama and his cronies want.

We shall see. What happens in this bogus "reconciliation" process will tell a lot.


benschachar_77 May 27 2010, 01:22:15 UTC
I'm sorry, but I reread this post and it was too funny to ignore how scary accurate it is in light of the AZ law, and the oil spill.

The fact that the media still talks about tea partiers like they were troglodytes is just so typical.


banner March 23 2010, 02:26:39 UTC
Personally I think it's over unless people go for their guns. The illegals will be given the vote, and they'll all vote democrat. The census, which is going to count non-citizens will probably be messed with so that democrat states get more votes and republican states get less ( ... )


zerorevenge March 23 2010, 03:30:31 UTC
Obtaining a Gun license in NJ is practically impossible now. And the cost for guns and esp. ammunition has risen so much. :(


marycatelli March 23 2010, 04:18:54 UTC
Part of that is that gun and ammo sales have exploded since the presidental election.


zerorevenge March 23 2010, 05:12:53 UTC
My Father told me the same thing actually. Is it anything that the Dems have done? Or just nature of the market?


prester_scott March 23 2010, 02:39:19 UTC
I think what everyone should do is, depending on one's age and physical condition: work like crazy to get/stay as healthy as possible; stockpile any medication you need on an ongoing basis; purchase as much life and/or disability insurance as you can. Basically, expect to get precisely your money's worth out of your "free health care" and plan accordingly.


jordan179 March 23 2010, 04:34:18 UTC
My personal assumption is that this is Just One More Tax, out of which I will see zero benefits. I feel a bit sorry for the people posting about how glad they are that this passed because they have medical problems and now expect free treatment for them -- they're going to be so very badly disappointed. My main fear is that the economic and medical damage this does will speed my own death -- ah well, them's the breaks.


gothelittle March 23 2010, 13:22:16 UTC
My fear is that my husband's company will end up paying the fine because enough of its employees qualify for federal subsidies (anyone making under $88K/year!) and it will drop its insurance coverage because it's already paying the fine anyways.

We may not be able to afford an Exchange Plan and will probably end up paying the same amount we pay in premiums now into the Uninsured Tax instead, leaving us nothing with which to actually pay for health care.

Thanks, Obama.


x_eleven March 23 2010, 02:55:46 UTC
I hope to hell you're right. For the first time, I am seriously considering returning permanently to my ancestral homeland. Depending on how the elections go in November and in 2012, January, 2013 just might find me buying a one-way air fare to Moscow.

Russia has a new immigration policy that gives preference to immigrants of Russian extraction, and I have distant relatives still living in St. Petersburg. Besides, Russia needs and wants talented, educated immigrants, so I see no problems in obtaining Russian citizenship.

Of course, learning Russian is going to be a difficulty, but I'm sure I can handle it.

It looks, more and more, that I will be living in a freer country if something isn't done to stop this and reverse it, and if we don't do it damn quick.


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