Obamacare's Passed -- Now What?

Mar 22, 2010 17:26


Obamacare has now passed the House, and will almost certainly also pass the Senate. That is the worst of it. Now, let's think about what this means,

What does it MEAN? )

2010 election, 2012 election, 2014 election, health care, nancy pelosi, barack obama, political

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banner March 23 2010, 02:26:39 UTC
Personally I think it's over unless people go for their guns. The illegals will be given the vote, and they'll all vote democrat. The census, which is going to count non-citizens will probably be messed with so that democrat states get more votes and republican states get less.

There will be more which hunts of leading republicans who will be forced to resign, even though they will never be actually tried for anything (like Delay as I recall) and don't forget the Obama brown shirts. They got their money and everything, so I'm waiting to see them spring into action next.

The time to have done something was this last weekend. Would have been nice if someone had stormed the congress and rid us of those voting yes. At this point, we're on the downward slope and even if it does get stopped 4 years from now, the economic damage being done over those years will last decades (like FDR's damage lasted for decades, or Johnson's is still with us). Myself, I suspect I'm probably going to lose everything in this economy, and at my age that isn't a pleasant prospect.


zerorevenge March 23 2010, 03:30:31 UTC
Obtaining a Gun license in NJ is practically impossible now. And the cost for guns and esp. ammunition has risen so much. :(


marycatelli March 23 2010, 04:18:54 UTC
Part of that is that gun and ammo sales have exploded since the presidental election.


zerorevenge March 23 2010, 05:12:53 UTC
My Father told me the same thing actually. Is it anything that the Dems have done? Or just nature of the market?


gothelittle March 23 2010, 13:19:51 UTC
Yes and yes. People who fear that the Democrats now in power will restrict future gun purchases are trying to buy up while they're still allowed to do so.


jordan179 March 23 2010, 04:32:08 UTC
I don't think that the Democrats have the power to cheat enough to hold onto their seats and the Presidency. It's not an issue of whether or not they're unscrupulous enough -- granted that they are, the size of the opposition is simply too great. They would have to physically block off access to the polls with mobs, and if they did that, then their cheating would be so obvious that the courts and even the Armed Forces might not recognize the results of the election. Which the Democrats surely must realize, unless they've gone utterly mad.

I think their strategy is to hope that Obamacare will be unrepealable owing to the creation of a constituency of dependents by the act itself, and sacrifice power in 2010 and 2012 in the hopes of getting it back in 2014 and 2016. That's the only strategy under which their actions make sense.


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