The Way of Things, Chapter 40

Dec 13, 2007 05:08

Peter was silent on the drive back into town, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he looked at the road. Something had occurred to him-or startled him-as he’d kissed her, and she wondered what it was. He glanced over at her several times, smiling, before returning his attention back to the road, and she felt a slow excitement build as they neared ( Read more... )

snogging, romance, kendal, rose, blackpool, carlisle, year 1, post-dd, smut

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Comments 117

Prin Ch40 Comments 2 of 4 principia December 13 2007, 16:27:09 UTC
…fiddling with his knife and reciting the facts of his childhood like they were paragraphs in a warrant.

Going into neutral work mode is probably the easiest way for him to talk about these things. *wibble*

She returned to standing in front of him, gazing up at him; he looked at her, disbelief appearing once more in his expression.

What, was he actually planning for an evening of Rummy or perhaps Battleship?

He stopped briefly to pick up her bag with his free hand, before leading her slowly up the stairs.He’s always so gallant! Well, with Rose at any rate. I can totally picture him bidding goodbye to Rose once the case has wrapped up and the gang is decamping from the hotel ( ... )


Re: Prin Ch40 Comments 2 of 4 jlrpuck_fic December 13 2007, 18:45:04 UTC
What, was he actually planning for an evening of Rummy or perhaps Battleship?

I don't know that he'd actually planned that far out--he just knew he'd have to find a way from making love to her until they both dropped from exhaustion.

At least you don’t have to worry about anything getting up and walking out of Peter’s house

Not so much, thank heavens. *shudder*

Is it wrong of me to look back on Chapters 35-37 as being set to Just Can’t Get Enough?

Well.......barring the association with Natalie? Not at all ;)

I don’t know why he’s surprised: she did warn him last night that she got to unwrap him next time.

Rose *did* say over dinner she wasn't, ah, up for a shag. Still, he should have known she'd find a way around that issue.

One gets the sense that they’re going to be playing out this fight for dominance for quite some time.

It's a common theme of my smuttier ficlets, yes. *g*

Playful!Peter makes his star return.



Re: Prin Ch40 Comments 2 of 4 principia December 13 2007, 19:19:37 UTC
Well.......barring the association with Natalie? Not at all ;)

Hey, they never did use it... I think of it as being saved for a more deserving partner!


Re: Prin Ch40 Comments 2 of 4 jlrpuck_fic December 13 2007, 19:25:16 UTC
Hey, they never did use it... I think of it as being saved for a more deserving partner!

Fair point.


Prin Ch40 Comments 3 of 4 principia December 13 2007, 16:28:33 UTC
He groaned, and she smiled as she ran her tongue down the line of his neck, across his Adam’s apple, to the hollow at the base of his throat.

He does have a great Adam’s apple, doesn’t he? With that one particular freckle highlighting it like a beauty mark…

He didn’t move, his hands resting on her hips as she continued to lavish attention on his neck, now kissing each freckle she found lurking there.

Heh. That’s a long column of neck, too. Much territory to cover.

*hotness ensues*

…reaching to help remove his pants.

Shall I assume that we’re waiting for a ficlet to get a more poetic description of the undergarments in question? ;P

She took advantage of his instability, pushing him into a seated position on his bed, and he looked only slightly stunned as he landed with a soft ‘whump’ on the mattress.

It’s not as though he didn’t know she doesn’t play fair! XD

Peter always made her feel like she was the most important thing in the universe. His dates, his kisses, his lovemaking were all lavish, intent, generous. It had ( ... )


Re: Prin Ch40 Comments 3 of 4 jlrpuck_fic December 13 2007, 18:48:53 UTC
He does have a great Adam’s apple, doesn’t he?

He's got a great neck, period. *mind drifts*

Shall I assume that we’re waiting for a ficlet to get a more poetic description of the undergarments in question?

If you like :)

Has he ever had a love in his life who returned his ardour and cherishing in equal measure? Until now?

Nope. *sigh* Poor Peter.

How many nights does he have to look forward to laying bundled up in her arms? Many, many.

Most definitely. Lucky woman.

Lo, we are being treated to many facets of his wonderfulness today.

Well, he *is* a pretty happy guy right now...

but we think you’ve already gone off that particular cliff!

As EGT said when she beta'd: That particular ship has already sailed.


Re: Prin Ch40 Comments 3 of 4 principia December 13 2007, 19:10:49 UTC
If you like :)

I seem to recall specific mention of a button-playing ficlet, so I'm'a keepin' my hopes up, if that's alright with you.

That particular ship has already sailed.

Honey, your self-restraint is the HMS Titanic, and he's the great big iceberg in the North Atlantic of love.


Re: Prin Ch40 Comments 3 of 4 jlrpuck_fic December 13 2007, 19:12:52 UTC
Honey, your self-restraint is the HMS Titanic, and he's the great big iceberg in the North Atlantic of love.

*dies laughing*


Prin Ch40 Comments 4 of 4 principia December 13 2007, 16:31:15 UTC
“Er, Peter...” She wasn’t quite sure how to ask for what she needed, and so lightly pushed against his shoulder. He looked at her, confused, and she stuttered, “I...I need the loo.”

Love this dose of realism. Love it!

It occurred to her that, if she kept wearing this robe, it would begin to smell more like her than him, and she wondered if she could persuade him to wear it every so often to keep it fresh for her.

Too bad you can’t figure out how to bottle that, eh?

She ducked her head, embarrassed. “I forgot to pack my jim-jams.”

Ah-ha! Hee hee hee hee.

He stopped in front of her, placing a crooked finger under her chin and bringing it up so she would look at him. “You what?” His voice was low, and he was wearing that smirk she’d discovered he loved using on her.

He laughed, and she joined in, giggling helplessly against him. Peter had enfolded her in a hug, and she found her breath stolen away when he leaned down and placed another of his toe-curling kisses against her lips.I adore watching them have silliness and fun ( ... )


Re: Prin Ch40 Comments 4 of 4 jlrpuck_fic December 13 2007, 18:57:37 UTC
Love this dose of realism.Love it!

Ah, those wonderful, post-coital, awkward moments of reality....

Ah-ha! Hee hee hee hee.


I adore watching them have silliness and fun together like this.

They're like happy little frolicky puppies.

Methinks he’s trying to gauge the appropriate timing for those three little words.

He's still trying to come to terms with it in his own mind; he's not going to say anything to her at this point! So, yes. He's...working on it.

What, you don’t carry an emergency glowstick in your overnight back for surreptitious Peter-observing?

I don't know that the ghostly green glow would be terribly flattering....but it's still a good plan.

We’ve seen relaxed and unguarded, to be sure (see below), but she gets relaxed, unguarded and mostly nekkid.

*stares happily at picture*



Enjoy the candy canes!


Re: Prin Ch40 Comments 4 of 4 burn_to_emerge December 14 2007, 05:25:28 UTC
I don't know that the ghostly green glow would be terribly flattering....but it's still a good plan.

I don't know; I imagine it'd be similar to the TARDIS glow, which certainly didn't do anything UNPLEASANT to David Tennant's features. No, indeed. *drifts*


Re: Prin Ch40 Comments 4 of 4 principia December 14 2007, 05:31:29 UTC
No, indeed. *drifts*

Even the official Who Evil Green Light That Lights Up Things Which Are Evil cannot diminish that countenance. Have a looksee at the icon.


dettiot December 13 2007, 17:02:13 UTC
This story really has been the only bright spot in an otherwise crap day. All I want to do is go home and curl up in bed. If only I was like Rose and had Peter to snuggle with . . . or to play Trivial Pursuit with. ;-)

Loved seeing Rose really make that leap to take care of Peter, to give him the attention that he so deserves and craves. And of course, turnabout being fair play and all, Peter returns the favor and then some. That's what I love about the two of them--they're just so equal, in their desires and their wants, and the other doesn't suffer because of it. Just lovely and hot and meaningful and fantastic.

Thank you!


jlrpuck_fic December 13 2007, 19:04:28 UTC
If only I was like Rose and had Peter to snuggle with . . . or to play Trivial Pursuit with. ;-)

I feel your pain--I want nothing more than to go home, curl up under the duvet, and nap. With Peter. *That's* not going to happen, so I'll just settle for going home.

Trivial pursuit--now *that* could make for a truly interesting game between Peter and Rose, what with their different histories. *imagines Strip Trivial Pursuit*

Loved seeing Rose really make that leap to take care of Peter, to give him the attention that he so deserves and craves

He really does deservce to be loved, both in the physical sense as well as the deeper meaning. And Rose is just the person to do it for him.

That's what I love about the two of them--they're just so equal, in their desires and their wants, and the other doesn't suffer because of it.

Peter and Rose are very much equals; and where they're not, they complement each other. *sigh* Those lucky devils.

Thank you. I hope you have a better day!


principia December 13 2007, 19:18:09 UTC
*imagines Strip Trivial Pursuit*

Let's just say I can't envision either of them surviving the other's editions with dignity intact.

Another humorous thought: Our Gang at a pub quiz, with the team consisting of the Four Amigos plus Peter and Penny.


dettiot December 13 2007, 19:19:36 UTC
Trivial pursuit--now *that* could make for a truly interesting game between Peter and Rose, what with their different histories. *imagines Strip Trivial Pursuit*

[grin] I picked Trivial Pursuit as a riff on the playing Scrabble theme, since while they're still playing board games, in this chapter they played a very different game. ;-)

[imagines strip Trivial Pursuit too] Man, that's a case of no losers, only winners.


gritsinmisery December 13 2007, 20:02:00 UTC
Ack. My interwebs got jammed this morning and I had to do percussive maintenance on the cable and the Airport before I could read this. Sorry the comments're late.

Heh. These kids deserve Teh Fun. And also Teh Domestic.

Meanwhile, there's a killer w/ a transmat device popping about...


jlrpuck_fic December 15 2007, 20:09:10 UTC
Sorry the comments're late.

No worries! *thwacks internets for good measure*

Meanwhile, there's a killer w/ a transmat device popping about...

Indeed there is.


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