The Way of Things, Chapter 40

Dec 13, 2007 05:08

Peter was silent on the drive back into town, his jaw clenching and unclenching as he looked at the road. Something had occurred to him-or startled him-as he’d kissed her, and she wondered what it was. He glanced over at her several times, smiling, before returning his attention back to the road, and she felt a slow excitement build as they neared ( Read more... )

snogging, romance, kendal, rose, blackpool, carlisle, year 1, post-dd, smut

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Prin Ch40 Comments 2 of 4 principia December 13 2007, 16:27:09 UTC
…fiddling with his knife and reciting the facts of his childhood like they were paragraphs in a warrant.

Going into neutral work mode is probably the easiest way for him to talk about these things. *wibble*

She returned to standing in front of him, gazing up at him; he looked at her, disbelief appearing once more in his expression.

What, was he actually planning for an evening of Rummy or perhaps Battleship?

He stopped briefly to pick up her bag with his free hand, before leading her slowly up the stairs.

He’s always so gallant! Well, with Rose at any rate. I can totally picture him bidding goodbye to Rose once the case has wrapped up and the gang is decamping from the hotel…

*Peter walks out of the hotel, holding the door for Rose in addition to handling her luggage. The Scoobies are waiting out front with the van, parked in front of Rose’s car, which Peter has already brought around while Rose was tucking a few last things into her briefcase.*

Jake (in an erstwhile posh accent): Oh, Jeeves, once you’ve finished with Miss Tyler’s things could you be so good as to fetch our luggage? There’s a good chap.

Peter (as Mickey, James and Jake all get a good laugh): Oh, piss off.

They were both deadly serious about this thing between them, whatever it was, whatever it might become.

*Dear Magic 8-Ball, should I move in with Peter Carlisle?

Signs point to Yes.*

The room looked exactly as it had that morning when they had gone to work, the sheet and duvet still bundled in the centre of the bed. There were a few coat hangers strewn across it; leftovers from his getting ready for their date, she supposed, but they were the only evidence that he had been there since she had left.

Bwah! At least you don’t have to worry about anything getting up and walking out of Peter’s house (unlike, say, Mickey’s flat back on the estate).

They stood, lips brushing against each other, tongues exploring, hands drifting, for several moments; unlike the night before, the pace was almost leisurely.

Given that the account of the previous night’s festivities made it sound like a mad dash worthy of Natalie and Peter’s original scene in Blackpool…

Is it wrong of me to look back on Chapters 35-37 as being set to Just Can’t Get Enough?

It felt like heaven, Peter’s tongue alternately caressing and teasing her as his hands held her in place against him, and she knew there was simply no way she’d be able to share a bed with him and not wind up snogged silly and-most likely-shagged rotten.

Given what we know from the tuxedo ficlet, I’d say this is a sage prediction.

She once more closed the distance between them, bringing both hands to the knot of his tie; she held his gaze as she unknotted it, enjoying as his reaction shifted from confusion to disbelief to want.

I don’t know why he’s surprised: she did warn him last night that she got to unwrap him next time.

She sighed in mock exasperation as she encountered the cotton. “Peter, do you have to wear so many clothes?” She looked at him through her lashes, a sly smile on her lips; she fought back a grin as he quickly shrugged off his shirt and pulled his vest off.

Another thing Ten and Peter have in common, aside from their dashing good looks: a taste for (excessive) layering.

He deftly removed her hoodie in between kissing her nearly insensate, leaving her in her bra, and she began to get the impression she was losing control of the situation. Not that she minded, but it wasn’t at all what she had planned for him-not tonight.

One gets the sense that they’re going to be playing out this fight for dominance for quite some time. They can’t both be alpha wolf all the time…

His eyes widened in surprise before focusing on her with laserlike intensity; she felt her breath catch at the feeling of being under that look, knowing she was the only thing he was seeing at that moment.

Apparently Peter’s Thing for being truly seen is contagious!

“Whatever are you going to do with me now?” he drawled, his voice low; she felt her body respond, eager to re-learn the man in front of her.

Playful!Peter makes his star return. Yay.


Re: Prin Ch40 Comments 2 of 4 jlrpuck_fic December 13 2007, 18:45:04 UTC
What, was he actually planning for an evening of Rummy or perhaps Battleship?

I don't know that he'd actually planned that far out--he just knew he'd have to find a way from making love to her until they both dropped from exhaustion.

At least you don’t have to worry about anything getting up and walking out of Peter’s house

Not so much, thank heavens. *shudder*

Is it wrong of me to look back on Chapters 35-37 as being set to Just Can’t Get Enough?

Well.......barring the association with Natalie? Not at all ;)

I don’t know why he’s surprised: she did warn him last night that she got to unwrap him next time.

Rose *did* say over dinner she wasn't, ah, up for a shag. Still, he should have known she'd find a way around that issue.

One gets the sense that they’re going to be playing out this fight for dominance for quite some time.

It's a common theme of my smuttier ficlets, yes. *g*

Playful!Peter makes his star return.



Re: Prin Ch40 Comments 2 of 4 principia December 13 2007, 19:19:37 UTC
Well.......barring the association with Natalie? Not at all ;)

Hey, they never did use it... I think of it as being saved for a more deserving partner!


Re: Prin Ch40 Comments 2 of 4 jlrpuck_fic December 13 2007, 19:25:16 UTC
Hey, they never did use it... I think of it as being saved for a more deserving partner!

Fair point.


Re: Prin Ch40 Comments 2 of 4 jvgymnast December 14 2007, 04:36:44 UTC
Another thing Ten and Peter have in common, aside from their dashing good looks: a taste for (excessive) layering.
I get the feeling DT does it in DW because the shoots are often in quite cold venues.


Re: Prin Ch40 Comments 2 of 4 principia December 14 2007, 05:19:26 UTC
I get the feeling DT does it in DW because the shoots are often in quite cold venues.

Since how badly everyone froze their ass off during a given shoot is provenance of almost every diary entry or commentary, I'm sure it is. He apparently got up to five layers of thermals during the quarry shoot for TSP, and I think was close to that during RotC, in addition to having heating packs in his shoes.

I also think playing around with layers is one way they differentiate the suit(s) from show to show so it doesn't look like he's wearing a uniform; evidently if it were up to Louise Page, David would wear the exact same thing every week, so he's the driving force behind such innovations as not constantly wearing a light blue shirt and the BSoD.


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