Something Wicked (Part Two)

Sep 26, 2006 09:59

(The following is a continuance of this scene.)

The battle wasn't going well...but it could be a lot, LOT worse.

The chimp had arrived, and he brought backup - but it sure as heck wasn't the Justice League.

Sand had surveyed the situation.  Chimp was on his way to meet with Corrine and Caleb, to add the last ingredient of the potion.   Tefe Holland ( ( Read more... )

zan, caleb zukov, monster society, binge and purge, tefe holland, fire, magique, green lantern travis grey, merlynne, brainwave, sand, detective chimp, green shield, jayna, hotshot

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Comments 113

monstersociety September 26 2006, 14:07:09 UTC
A wave of the hand, and the fire wall dispels. It's hard for fire to hurt when it's having a hard time hitting target in the first place.

She reaches in, grabs Trevor by the throat, and lifts.


sand_hawkins September 26 2006, 14:08:35 UTC
Suddenly the ground erupts underneath Magique, and she's swallowed whole by a mound of earth, forcing her to release Trevor.

She's then spit directly skyward, as Sand emerges from the ground to the surface.


hotshot1280 September 26 2006, 15:12:16 UTC
Trevor looks up from his kneeling position, still holding his neck, and sees Magique tumbling. Okay, enough of playing their way. Now it's my turn.

Jumping as hard as he can, Trevor adds as much pyrokinetic propulsion as he can to put himself on an intercept course with the witches. As he goes, he heats up the strike pads until they're glowing white.


monstersociety September 26 2006, 16:33:04 UTC
The gestalt-form of the Witches tumbles, then straightens out before holding in the air level via levitation.

At that point, however, Trevor connects, and her head snaps back with the glow. The mark of the strike pads is clear as there is charred flesh on her cheek. Eyes glowing with rage, she counters with a hard kick to Trevor's sternum, follwed by a flipover ax kick that sends Trevor plummeting to the ground with authoritative force.


monstersociety September 26 2006, 14:10:09 UTC
Psimon has been fighting Brainwave mentally for nearly 30 seconds now...

Then he notices that his nose is bleeding. The fact that he shut off his pain receptors allowed him to not notice the fact that his body was beginning to be ripped apart.

Bastard has some sort of anti-psi spell around him. Psimon thinks to himself. Time to find a new target.

So he uses the proximity to knee Henry King in the groin.


kingofbrain September 26 2006, 16:39:15 UTC
Henry doubles over in pain - Psimon seriously broke a man-law with that attack. Brainwave then realizes why he was attacked physically.

He takes a moment to acknowledge Sand's request to expand the braintrust, so to speak. Then he goes PAST Psimon's mind right to the driver's seat. "Psimon deserves a lot of things, but having his brain eaten alive isn't one of them.

He then looks to the side and sees Mammoth and Shimmer. He has no idea who the other two are - but they look, on the surface, outmatched.

He sends a direct mental attack to Mr. Mind, enough to knock him out and incapactitate him, if it works.


monstersociety September 26 2006, 14:12:02 UTC
After several arrow shots and a couple of her own punches, Tara was having issues with the blue humanoid now in front of her. He had just landed a solid punch that sent her flying towards the edge of the woods.

He then notices that internally some of his energy signatures were beginning to redline, and he makes the internal adjustments necessary to level out. Wondeful piece of machinery, the reactor core within him.

He then advances on the woman with the bow, barely cognizant of anyone else approaching.


tefe_holland September 26 2006, 14:18:57 UTC
It was time to stop being a reactive child and fight with her brain. The blue man...thing...had just hit the person she was supposed to help so she puts herself inbetween the woman and the construct.

He couldn't be destroyed easily, but there's nowhere that plants can't go so in minute amounts she started growing tiny plants on his surface. It would take some time but roots could tear down mountains he wouldn't be any different. But she was doing it so small to start with so he wouldn't notice it was going to take a while so keeping him busy was a must.

"Stay away from her."


monstersociety September 26 2006, 16:28:09 UTC
Tefe discovers something disturbing - there's an ambient level of radiation emanating on his surface that's making the growth of plant life - at least the plant life she's trying to sport - extremey difficult.

"No." He simply says, and unleashes multiple waves of destructive radiation energy towards Tefe.


tefe_holland September 26 2006, 16:40:19 UTC
Ok, this was going to take a lot of effort. Her skin blistered, peeled and reformed over and over as the radiation waves hit her. Keeping ahead of the destruction was almost as hard as when Kudzu had impaled her on that damn sword that was supposed to be able to kill anything.

And plant life is adaptable, she just had to change what she was trying to grow on him and flood it with enough energy to keep going. But it was going to be a very slow process.

"I won't let you hurt her." and the roots under the ground heave up to try and throw him backwards and off balance.


monstersociety September 27 2006, 00:45:53 UTC
Mammoth's still shaking out the cobwebs from being hit by Dr. Manhattan when Shimmer notes the two unknown entities heading towards them.

"Oh joy, we've got fire *AND* ice in the mix." Shimmer says. "Think you can paper train the puppy over there, Baran?"


flame_of_green September 27 2006, 00:58:38 UTC
She'd been holding back, arguing with herself about why she's here. Didn't she want OUT of this nonsense?

When it comes right down to it, however, she can't just stand by and watch. A frown creases her brows and she ignites.

"Train this." It isn't shouted. It isn't even a raised voice. It's a simple statement followed up with a blast of green fire drawn in a line in front of Shimmer and Mammoth.


monstersociety September 27 2006, 01:00:57 UTC
Shimmer swore. "HER I know. Baran, take the twins."

Immediately the sky above Fire changes to rain. No rainclouds...just drops of water.


flame_of_green September 27 2006, 01:15:33 UTC
She winces at the first hiss then turns a glare on Shimmer. It's been a while since she's done this, but some things you just don't forget how to sex.

The thought makes her smirk as she takes flight and puts on the speed towards Shimmer, intent on a quarterback blitz.


green_shield September 27 2006, 04:46:40 UTC
She wasn't doing jack against the evil Smurf so she's letting other people handle that for now. Running towards Trevor, who looks like he's managed become an extra in a Rami flick.

"Hey that's not Karo syrup..." she jokes weakly as she breaks out her medkit.


hotshot1280 September 27 2006, 06:24:07 UTC
"Nope," Trevor tell her, finally letting himself notice the amount of blood flowing down his stomach but maintaining his usual air of humor. "One hundred percent Trevor Cole."

Trevor pulls his shirt up, keeping an eye on the battles in progress as he lets Green Shield work. The green woman who showed up recently seems to be having trouble with Shimmer, and the blue people are just complete wild cards, but Trevor forces himself to stay put. He can't help anyone if his guts wind up on the ground


green_shield September 27 2006, 06:27:47 UTC
They won't because she's here to put them back in.

"Knit one, perl two..." she quips as she gets out the stitches and the needles. trevor is the worst and him going into shock would be bad. She also needs him to stay awake. Keeping him talking though? No problem at all.

"Where's Chimp and the stuff?"


hotshot1280 September 27 2006, 06:33:38 UTC
"Last I saw the Chimp, he was running in the house. I think Caleb's upstairs, and as long as he's breathing I can guarantee that the stuff is with him."

Trevor's teeth snap together as Tara begins stitching. Every jab just makes him angrier at Magique, as well as more and more in need of a cigarette. Even a generic one.

"Any idea how the fight's going? I've had my hands full with the Twitches. Plus I see we have some new recruits." Trevor blinks as one of them... turns into water?! "That's a neat trick."


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