Private Penthouse Party Players Peddling Poison...

May 05, 2011 08:31

Trance music was ambient in the air. Loud enough to set the tone of the scene, but not so much that it interfered with socialization or intimate conversation. The lighting was low and diffuse, coming from multiple sources and it added to the atmosphere. The open bar was facilitated by roving cocktail waitresses and waiters. Both guests and hosts ( Read more... )

superboy, spook, captain nazi, krypto, body doubles, spoiler

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Comments 59

jla_extras May 5 2011, 16:07:40 UTC
"Hey, you're from the club aren't you?"
A slim vaguely Asian girl purrs as she sidles up to Connor.

"Jenny was talking about you. Glad you could make it."


krypton_or_bust May 5 2011, 16:09:39 UTC
Jenny? Damn.
Connor realized that he never actually got the name of the girl who invited him.
Go with it, I guess...

Smiling nervously, he shrugs.
"Yeah, I uh..I was curious."


jla_extras May 11 2011, 17:58:16 UTC
A knowing smile and her arm slips under his.
"Of course you were handsome. Hey come with me and I'll introduce you to some of my friends..."


krypton_or_bust May 11 2011, 18:02:48 UTC

Connor lets he lead him over to a cozy side room where a number of teens his age are gathered at a coffee table. The silver dish bearing an assortment of vividly colored pill capsules are immediately viable.

.uh oh...

Introductions being and Connor manages to spit out 'Kurt' when asked his name.
Room is made for him at the couch and he sits with the group.


batineggplant May 5 2011, 16:37:56 UTC
Steph made her way through the crowd of party-goers, throwing a smile here and there, making smalltalk with anyone who stopped to talk to her.


jla_extras May 5 2011, 16:44:09 UTC
'Julie' as Steph's cover names her, attracts attention. Smiles, drink offers and otherwise are offered like flowers before her feet as she move though the soiree. Then a familiar face is seen in the crowd. The one who offered the invitation to her at the club looks up, smiles and then glides through the crowd to her.

"Julie!" he calls smoothly. Steph catches the subtle but predatory gleam in his eye behind the otherwise polished veneer.

"Glad you could make it. The party just got started. Can I get you a drink?"

he waives a cocktail waiter over as he speaks.


batineggplant May 5 2011, 16:57:41 UTC
"Just water please," Steph said, giving him a smile.


jla_extras May 5 2011, 17:12:37 UTC
A glint of intrigue crosses his face and he nods to the waiter who heads to the bar to acquire the requested beverage.

He smiles broadly.
"You came at a perfect time. Allot of these folks here are also looking to get into the modeling scene. This is one of those 'rub elbow' opportunities that can real make a career. I'm sure you'll make a great impression, just be sure to stand out."


jla_villains May 11 2011, 19:40:20 UTC
It was then that three new arrivals came to the party, two women and a man ( ... )


jla_extras May 11 2011, 19:42:37 UTC
Bonnie and Carmen are a gorgeous pair and even thier male companion has a square statuesque handsomeness about him, but they don't exactly fit the expected profile set by the hosts. This venue was for those who were 'old enough to know better but too young to care'. The new arrivals communicated 'predator' rather than 'prey'.

A smart looking young man in his early twenties glides his way to the trio. A nod of his head to some of the serving staff is not missed by the ladies.

"Hi there. I'm afraid this party is by invitation only." he gleams a colgate smile at them.


krypton_or_bust May 11 2011, 19:44:19 UTC
Halfway down the hall in an adjoining room, ears with hearing far beyond the scope and range of human beings catches the conversation.

Maintaining the vapid smile while clinging to his can of drug-free soder, Superboy listens.


jla_villains May 11 2011, 20:05:04 UTC
Carmen turns to the young man and instantly turns on the charm, sleeking over to him. "Oh we know handsome, and we are sorry for intruding, but you see we have importnat things we need to talk to the host about." She allows her finger to linger over the man's cheek. "It's real important we see him. Could you help us find him, please?" When she said "please" her look practiclly smoldered with erotic promises.


jla_blackgate May 13 2011, 22:11:32 UTC
Spook had been in hiding when he heard the gunshots.

"Well that's my cue. Time to see if these clowns have anything useful here." Val said to himself as he onto the floor hosting the part. He was already going over the kind of tools he'd have to use in head as he stealthily infiltrated the building.


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