Private Penthouse Party Players Peddling Poison...

May 05, 2011 08:31

Trance music was ambient in the air. Loud enough to set the tone of the scene, but not so much that it interfered with socialization or intimate conversation. The lighting was low and diffuse, coming from multiple sources and it added to the atmosphere. The open bar was facilitated by roving cocktail waitresses and waiters. Both guests and hosts were dressed in the casual yet flashy mode of the trendy nightclub scene and everyone there was either pretty or rich, or both.

Many were decidedly underage as well.

Connor, clad in a white silk shirt with matching white pants felt entirely out of place. Tim and Steph had assured him that the outfit was exactly what the scene would call for and that the copious hair gel was also a must to complete the look. Even so, he felt like a tool.

He moved through the party , nervously clinging to his can of soder cola as a defense against offers of stronger beverages. Not that there was likely to be anything here that could touch his constitution, but the soder felt like a safety blanket in the midst of this impromptu live action reenactment of 'Less Than Zero' he found himself in. He'd rather just be hitting something, all things considered. Undercover was not his bag.

superboy, spook, captain nazi, krypto, body doubles, spoiler

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