"Drop him in a Lazarus Pit!!"

Jul 27, 2009 22:09

"What would Kobra do to a pretender to the throne of his worldwide terrorist organisation?" Dr. Light curls his right hand in a fist, and brings it down to celebrate getting the right question/answer. "Jeopardy ( Read more... )

green lantern alan scott, dr. light, wildcat, kip blackwell, martian manhunter

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Comments 74

lanterns_light July 28 2009, 12:53:51 UTC
The response is a stern sort of look from the first Green Lantern, now known more as Sentinel, who is standing on the other side of the cell door, arms folded. While he may have aged, while he may have fought very different kinds of villain back in the day, Alan Scott can still project a level of disapproval that has inspired many a hero, not the least of whom is Gotham's own Dark Knight.



monstersociety July 28 2009, 18:55:16 UTC
Dr. Light puts his hands behind his back and paces towards the transparent wall, squinting to see the Green Lantern before him. "Ah. My mistake! You do realise that as soon as I get out of here I'm going to butcher the whole damn lot of you?"

Light smiles with some smugness, his pointed beard levelled at the man opposite him. "And you will all beg me for mercy. Beg, and plead, and whine... By the time I'm finished with some of your more attractive colleagues, they may be pleading me for more."


lanterns_light July 28 2009, 20:02:33 UTC
"Yes, we'll plead and beg and moan and whine," says Alan wearily. "Some day a megalomaniac will invent a new script to his threatening dialogue, and the hero world will tremble with gratitude. For now, rest assured that you're going nowhere anytime soon."


monstersociety July 28 2009, 20:24:07 UTC
"All I need is a hint of your emerald light, Green Lantern. Just a peek. And I'll take it." Light snatches at the air in front of him, his eyes wild. He seems to be quite mad.

"Why am I here? Usually I go to Alcatraz. They have a cell for me there. Why am I not in Alcatraz?" He tugs on his beard.


Shortly.. jla_extras July 30 2009, 03:08:25 UTC
The interrogator creeps in - well, stomps in - on little cat feet.

"I heard somebody was flappin' his gums about Black Canary."


monstersociety July 30 2009, 19:19:57 UTC
Arthur Light is still laying on the cot with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. He opens one as Wildcat enters, and then sneers. "Oh joy. A grown man dressed as a cat."

He opens both eyes and swings his legs around so that he's now sat up. "Tell you what; how about I throw you a ball of string and maybe you'll get out of my hotel room."


lanterns_light July 30 2009, 19:59:38 UTC
To be fair, Alan is more concerned that Ted will lose his temper and do something they will all regret than he is about Light actually hurting Wildcat. But he stands back in the shadows, watching calmly. If they got angry at every villain that scoffed at them....


jla_extras July 30 2009, 20:07:42 UTC
Alan's worries are totally unfounded, as Ted is very unlikely to regret whatever punishment Dr. Light endures over the next few minutes.

He ignores the jibe, though.

"So what do you know, Light? Spill, and we'll get you a nice, dark cell at STAR Labs, and you can go back to suckin' your thumb in peace."


Not long thereafter... _kip_ August 5 2009, 18:36:12 UTC
A tall, muscled and entirely too cheerful man in Levis and a pink Polo shirt walks from the JLA Watchtower's central lift to the main deck's command area. He has no cane, because he knows this place like the back of his hand now.

And he's carrying Oreos. "J'onn? Sir?"


Re: Not long thereafter... martian_hunter August 6 2009, 19:20:32 UTC
The Watchtower's main deck is a flurry of activity and he hears J'onn speaking in his tinny pseudo-monotone to the assembled techs. The moment Kip enters the room, he knows J'onn is aware of his presence and can "feel" the Martian approach, "Hello, Kip. With what may I assist you today?"

There's a palpable sense that J'onn has not failed to notice the cookies in Kip's possession. It is also apparent that the Martian avoids making mention of them.


_kip_ August 6 2009, 19:32:53 UTC
"Brought you a present for one," says the blind fellow, offering the bag in the direction of that lustrous, deep voice, "and for another, sir, Sentinel contacted me from the JSA Brownstone, wondered if you could drop by."


martian_hunter August 6 2009, 19:50:46 UTC
"I thank you for your gift." There's a barley detectable, and somewhat rarified, enthusiasm to J'onn's voice as he takes the bag, "One of Earth's truly unique culinary delights."

The enthusiasm wanes and J'onn is all business again, "Did Sentinel mention the nature of their need?"


Martian Calling martian_hunter August 6 2009, 20:13:26 UTC
It is moments later that J'onn is in front of a console contacting the JSA Brownstone, "This is Martian Manhunter with the Justice League. I need to speak with Sentinel."


lanterns_light August 6 2009, 20:14:20 UTC
"This is Sentinel," replies Alan a moment later. "How are you? It's been a long time."


martian_hunter August 6 2009, 20:19:17 UTC
"Yes. It has been too long." The pleasentries are quickly set aside, "I received a message regarding a certain prisoner being held by you and I understood you are in need of my assistance."


lanterns_light August 6 2009, 20:25:13 UTC
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Sentinel answers, "Nothing I would think you'll want to do, but yes, we have Dr. Light in custody. He claims he was thrown into one of Kobra's Lazarus Pit, which of course has rattled his mind. We need someone to verify that claim and, much as it disgusts me to ask, maybe help repair any damage."


martian_hunter August 6 2009, 21:07:35 UTC
There is a bright flash of light in the lobby of the JSA's distinctive brownstone headquarters. Around him are relics of the teams past, exhibited for those with an interest in the prior exploits of the world's first, and likely greatest, team of heroes.

He awaits the arrival of his host, eyeing the various objects and exhibits.


lanterns_light August 6 2009, 21:10:12 UTC
Speaking of relics...

"J'onn." Alan walks forward briskly, with more energy than a man his age should boast, hand held out. "I'm sorry about the circumstances but it's good to see you again, old friend."


martian_hunter August 6 2009, 21:28:45 UTC
J'onn takes Alan's hand and gives it a firm handshake, "It is good to see you as well, Alan. How are your wife and children?"


lanterns_light August 6 2009, 21:30:40 UTC
The universe is unfair. Alan's wife and children are fine; J'onn has lost everyone he loved. "Molly's as irascible as ever; Jennie-Lynn is dating someone new, and my son just got married. I hope you've been doing well?" As he answers the question, Sentinel leads Martian Manhunter toward the holding cells and the prisoner in question.


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