"Drop him in a Lazarus Pit!!"

Jul 27, 2009 22:09

"What would Kobra do to a pretender to the throne of his worldwide terrorist organisation?" Dr. Light curls his right hand in a fist, and brings it down to celebrate getting the right question/answer. "Jeopardy!!"

Arthur Light is alone in a dark cell within the Brownstone, not that he knows that. Since his capture by Jade and Hourman, he has completely forgotten where he is or what he was doing when he met the two superheroes, and in fact, barely recalls his tenure as the leader of Kobra. He does recall being thrown into one of Kobra's Lazarus Pits though, once the true Kobra returned... And the subsequent horrific pain that it caused him. But the mental debilitation (or insanity, as some might call it) that it caused him has gone so far unnoticed by the costumed villain.

And he hasn't actually explained to anyone how he has returned to this less than subtle villainous state, partly because of his loss of memory, but also because none of the JSA have got around to speaking with him yet. As far as things go, a ga-ga Dr. Light is low on the priority list of the local heroic community.

A dim light is switched on outside of his cell. Not enough for Arthur to draw power from, but enough to awaken him back to a state of semi-normality, and focus on the hero looking at him. "Are you Alex Trebek?"

green lantern alan scott, dr. light, wildcat, kip blackwell, martian manhunter

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