BSG fic: Unions of a Kneeling Chapter Eleven: Beam of Love

Nov 24, 2009 13:31

Disclaimer: I don't own BSG. The title is by CS Lewis. This chapter's title is by William Blake.

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven: Beam of Love

“I don’t see why we have to do this,” Caprica whispered to Gaius as he led her and Sharon out from the Quorum.

It had been a torturous four hours explaining their motives to the bickering delegates and enduring plenty of hatred, deserved or otherwise.

“We have to finish what we set out to do,” Sharon said, overhearing.

“Not exactly what I had in mind. I just wanted to stop the Cylons from killing the humans.”

“Sometimes it’s not enough to stop,” Sharon said quietly. “You have to go the extra mile, repay all debts.”

“Yes, well, get ready for some long debt repaying,” Gaius said. “You’re visiting about every ship in the fleet and meeting with their captains. I must have some persuasive power left in me after all.”

“I appreciate your efforts,” Caprica said, reaching for his hand.

He looked closely at her.

“And I do believe they are genuine,” he said, somewhat sarcastically.

She smiled with her eyes and they continued on their way.


Boxer had wanted to be present for this. She was amazed she was allowed to be. But perhaps her diplomatic skills left something to be desired and that was why she hadn’t been made to go talk up the Cylons throughout the fleet.

It had taken a little while for Laura to get Hera back to her parents. Maya had been assigned to a ship on the other side of the fleet. Laura had traveled over there first on her insistence and Adama’s approval. Maya would need the news to be broken gently. Boxer reflected that it wasn’t the other woman’s fault, really. It was sad. But Hera had a destiny and that’s what they were there to ensure.

But to see the look on Athena’s face when she saw her child for the first time in so long, it almost made the reason for getting Hera back something to do with reuniting her with her parents. It was a touching scene. Athena gazed at her baby while Helo’s face split from ear to ear in a huge grin. He held up his child and kissed her on the cheek before giving her back to Athena and putting his arms around them both.

Somehow, Boxer thought none of them would ever let go of each other. Something twisted in her heart as she watched them go. Adama put a hand on Laura’s shoulder, but she simply gazed at him with a sad smile and left as well.

“Perhaps there’s more here to be learned,” Boxer said to herself. “More destiny to come, more dreaming to do. Maybe it will be fun.”

She smiled and left to go back to the Cylons. Her purpose here was done.


Adama followed Laura.

“What do you want, Bill?”

She could feel his hesitation, but she didn’t know what to say.

“We need to talk. Please come with me.”

She followed him wordlessly until they were in his quarters.

“I can’t undo what I did. There’s no reason to.”

“I’m not your judge and that’s not why I want to talk to you. I-I missed hearing your opinion on making decisions.”

“I guess I missed making them. Ah well, my mother told me never to cheat.”

She leaned against the wall and folded her arms.

“Baltar is stepping down.”


She was sure her eyebrows had never risen so far.

“You were right about him and one of the Sixes. I guess it’s true love.” Adama snorted. “But that means that your rightful place is open to you again.”

“Again?” she gasped.

She’d never really thought of it as being possible. She’d loved teaching again, but her heart did truly lie with all the people and not just the children.

“Please, Laura. We’re going to need you. I need you to do this.”

“I’m always happy to help you out.” She came toward him and put her hand on his arm. “Thank you for staying with me.”

“There’s a balance here,” he said, gesturing between the two of them. “I missed that.”

“Me too.”


Lee had finally brought himself back to Galactica. He was already feeling a million times better, even though he knew he had some hard months ahead of him to get back to feeling one hundred percent. The emotional weight was the hardest to lose.


And hearing the voice of the Cylon who’d attempted to kill his father wasn’t making it any easier.

“I have nothing to say to you a bullet wouldn’t say better.”

“I’m sure you don’t. But I need to do the right thing now.”

“The right thing! How-“

“I said now. I can’t change the past.”

Her calm was infuriating. It only proved to him she was a Cylon. Sharon Valerii could never have been so composed.

“I don’t need this.”

He made to brush past her. She grabbed his arm and he punched her out of reflex. She took the blow, but he could see he’d hurt her. His vicious glee was less than he would’ve thought.

“I’m here to apologize. We’re so frakked up, aren’t we?”

She suddenly laughed, but it was slightly hysterical, and then he could see the weight she was under.

“Something like that,” he admitted.

“I really wanted to impress you,” she said. “When you came on board. I was so excited, like I was going to meet a celebrity. But then it became hard and fast and everything began happening to me.” Her voice started to crack. “Anyway, I know you can’t trust me. But I promise you, I won’t do anything and if the Admiral wanted to, he could airlock me or put me away. I wouldn’t care.”

“Why not?”

He was surprised.

“Because I’ve already lost everything. And I owe him one.”

Already lost everything. Sounded like something Lee had thought many a time. Except, he hadn’t. Then he wanted to get back to the Raptor where Dee was waiting for him

“I won’t be lying in wait for you,” he said finally, “but stay away from me.”

She nodded an affirmative. Lee walked away as quickly as he could. Anxious to get away and anxious to arrive.

Dee, patient, loyal, and far seeing Dee, was waiting for him. He kissed her and he was glad she kissed him back. Goodness knows he didn’t deserve it.

“Hey, you’re glad to see me,” she whispered against his face.

“I always will be,” he promised.

And she smiled.


Sam sat up and stretched. His lungs felt raspy, but he was going to make it. It had been a long time, but now he was getting better and his head didn’t feel as fuzzy. It hadn’t helped that he’d had so many heavy things to think about. Cylons coming back, Kara’s bombshell. Also he kept hearing music. It wasn’t conducive to getting better.


“Come in,” he said wearily.

He wasn’t sure he was up to this yet, but it needed to have done. And he couldn’t put up a cold shoulder any longer. He missed her.

“You look better.”

“Doc says I can come home in a few days. If I have one to come home to.”

“I swear you do.”

“You also swore to love me forever.”

He turned to face her.

“I haven’t broken that vow.” Her face was earnest. “What happened with Lee was just that one night and it has never-“

“Well, you just hadn’t seen each other. Give it time.”

“Stop it, Sam,” she snapped. “I have seen him. I told him to get lost for you. Well, we both did. But I meant it before I saw him. What we said to each other meant something to me even if I said it for the wrong reason at first. But we’ve been happy since then. And we could be again if you’d let us.”

“How can I be sure of you, Kara? I mean, you show up in blazing glory and steal my heart. You return in a blaze of glory and rescue me. You toss me aside, pick me up, break my heart, and want it back. What do I do with you?”

“I need help, Sam. I suck at this.” She didn’t cry often, but he could see the tears starting to come. “And I need you. Not him. You.”

“Come here,” he said after a moment and he meant it.

She came closer and he hugged her. It felt good after so long. It felt really good.

“Can we start again?” she asked.

“Yeah, yeah, we can start again. But a team this time, okay? I’m all about the teamwork of the work.”

“Whatever,” she said, wiping her tears away and then leaned in to kiss him. “I missed you,” she whispered.

“Then come on home,” he said, letting go of his fear.

“I’ve so much to tell you.”


Sharon stood with Caprica and Boxer and waited as Adama opened the slip. She wondered how many bodies she could download into before he finally gave them the result. The result of her years of work and her whole penance.

“It will be okay,” Caprica murmured. “We’ll just go somewhere else.”

“I need this. You know that.”

“Yeah, yeah I do.”

Lee, Tigh, Laura, and Gaius waited as well. It was a tense room, filled with members who were unsure of each other and themselves.

Adama lifted his eyes from the paper, his face impassive.

“Welcome to the fleet.”

length: multi-chapter, fandom: battlestar galactica, pairing: helo/athena, unionsofakneeling

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