Mod post. What should I do?

Jan 29, 2011 20:32

With the mods stepping down and with all the hate/wank going around. I feel it'd be wise to have membership closed and the tags system no longer open for addition. I had a few users link me to the hate meme and I don't know what to think. This place is so large, there is no way to have a tags system to please everyone. I felt the group that handled ( Read more... )


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Comments 118

anonymous January 30 2011, 04:47:08 UTC
It's disappointing that they left because it was nice to see the actual moderation part. No more banners, trying to cut down on weird colors and things. That was an area where there was real improvement ( ... )


girltype January 30 2011, 04:57:28 UTC
This is a great point, just WHAT is jent_fanfics used for, I know there has to be more popular fanfic resources/communities out there. What are them? I would love to add them to the user info. Can anyone offer any great places on lj for Johnny fanfic and I will add them to the user info.


anonymous January 30 2011, 04:53:54 UTC
It's sad there are no moderators...
i hope i can lend some hands but with the University stuff...i don't think so....
Never ever...think to close this comm...because this is where i can found other than popular pairings like Akame, ryoda i can found the odd pairing where sometime it is fun to read it... ^__^
thanks to this comm really....

i like the previous tagging system...the tag with the's easier for me to find the fic...

with the mods b4 this...the comm looks clean....oh yeah....i hate MEME...don't why...don't ask...maybe i don't like people bashing others fic... =/


girltype January 30 2011, 04:59:38 UTC
There seems to be a love/hate with the tag system. This place has gotten so big and vague, I feel no tag system will be accepted by everyone. That isn't to say let's just give up. Maybe I should have a poll with most popular tags and add them. Reading this, and the meme, it seems lots of people liked the older tag system, but I remember when it was around lots of people loathed it.


anonymous January 30 2011, 05:11:57 UTC
different anon, but I'd say that with more popular parings, it would have been better to keep the pairing tags. the problem with that is that you'd wind up having the character AND the pairing tags, which would be a worse mess :/ and I realize that this would require a LOT of work to change or update again. The biggest problem here is the fact that LJ's search system is horrible and they may never get around to fixing it. While the new tag system was a good idea in theory, it didn't work out in the end :/

I feel bad for the mods that stepped down, they put a lot of work into something that a lot of people seem to hate :(


girltype January 30 2011, 05:16:34 UTC
I never used lj's search system but tried it out after reading your comment and just doing a basic search is pretty bad. It seems the biggest complain is the pairings aspect of the tags. I feel it's a luxury now that the old tag system is gone and until I find someone willing to handle the task, I don't see improvements happening for a long time.


anonymous January 30 2011, 05:06:49 UTC
I think the easiest way to handle the wank is to put severe consequences. Don't mind if they call you a Nazi mod or any other degrading adjective. Rules are rules, and if they can't follow them (or read them) it is their responsibility. Therefore, I recommend banning on the second strike for those who violate a major rule (like the recent one, advertising Hate Memes and such).

As far as closing membership, please don't do that. There are many writers who would like to publish their works and many more who would like to read without restrictions.

About the tags, I don't really see a problem with them. I understand some people might want tags of pairings, but there are too many to be included in one single community (unless someone wants to have a go at it).

I hope you find a mod that helps you organize and handle things with you. I admire you for keeping up with this for so long :)


girltype January 30 2011, 05:18:37 UTC
Being a nazi mod will get no one anywhere. It'd just get people more riled up, I've seen to often in the JE fandom. That's why I feel it's best I closed membership, I was told that people who broke rules where relatively new members, so maybe it isn't the right answer to the problem, it'd have to do until I have help.


obstilation January 30 2011, 05:07:53 UTC
Well, it's impossible to please everyone. I think pairing tags are good. And having no tags at all would make it feel very...... Disorganised? But because JE is such a big family, it's hard to have every single pairing listed down.

I like how Jent_fanfic is right now. Everything looks alot nicer now. I also think that allowing hate memes are fine. If people don't like it, just don't click on the link?

It feels like I'm running out of the topic xD


girltype January 30 2011, 05:22:02 UTC
Hate meme's are good and bad, because it gives someone an outlet to vent their true feelings without fear of any fall back, but at the same time I hate to see how personal it gets on those things. It pains to me so see the mods who were very helpful and invested get hated and criticized.

I don't know if pairing tags are going to happen, there are those who want a pairing "axb" and those who insist on having it as "bxa" since B is well, whatever term you feel is appropriate, do people still use "uke" and "seme" these days?

I feel fanfic is so broad that it kills me to see the "pairing"/"love" aspect of it throwing the fandom into a bind.


omoikkiri January 30 2011, 05:31:56 UTC
Re: the AxB vs. BxA issue, just make a rule for it -- alphabetic, or age order, or something. If people complain about that, it's just splitting hairs. They can label it however they want in their own post.


girltype January 30 2011, 05:34:23 UTC
But can you imagine how many tags it would be with pairings? I wonder what is the limit for the tags. Again, I feel pairings is a luxury, since you can now search two tags at time why no go with group and your person of preference?


greatfountain January 30 2011, 05:09:29 UTC
Honestly re-adding pairing tags for the pairings that are specifically having issues--pairings like Akanishi/Kamenashi, Ohno/Ninomiya, Nishikido/Ueda or Tegoshi/Masuda, that are hitting that wall of 375 entries and not going any farther--would probably be the best solution. For those of us only writing intergroup or comparatively less popular pairs like Akanishi/Nakamaru, Kamenashi/Yamashita or Aiba/Ohno, the two-tag system is working just fine because we're not hitting that wall at all. The old system was annoying, and I think a lot of people are forgetting that. Half of Kanjani didn't have tags for pairings within the group, and there was fic of it! Meanwhile one-off threesomes had tags. Which was reaaaally frustrating.

I-I also think pimping je_borderless and upping the posting action over there would probably help ( ... )


girltype January 30 2011, 05:24:22 UTC
I will add je_borderless, I've seen that name pop up a few times, so it looks like a great and popular resource. You're right hate meme's don't have a place on this community at all. Those should not be posted here and won't be tolerated, it's out there, people know where to see it and I have no hate towards those places, everyone needs a platform to vent/share.


greatfountain January 30 2011, 05:27:59 UTC
It's inactive right now, mostly because no one pimps it, but it has the capacity to be a really great place for intergroup shenanigans and wonder.

Also, um, I hope this isn't too forward, but you can PM me if you want to discuss maybe getting at least polling done for the comm. I'm curious to find out if this is the only fic comm other people are following or if they follow group-specific comms, if they're here for a pairing or what: once we know that it might be easier to decide on how to tag things, or if maybe a delicious bookmarks system or a memories-based system would be better.


girltype January 30 2011, 05:32:23 UTC
Prevously before I have always asked for other comm's out there that people used and so far, no one has really stepped up and shared what their favorites are. Polls have been done before and I haven't gotten much feedback, what you see on the user info is what has been brought to my attention. I feel people WANT change, it's so much easier said than done. But if you make a poll, feel free to post it. It'd get the ball rolling.


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