Doctor Who Series Four: Journey's End

Aug 01, 2008 22:12

Okay, when will I stop sobbing?

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Comments 10

enyalie August 2 2008, 02:30:40 UTC
I know, I felt so bad for poor Donna at the end. She'd come so far, and to lose it all like that was heartbreaking. Also I think I liked her best of all the companions so far.


schmoo999 August 2 2008, 02:52:40 UTC
It took me a good day..then I watched it again....



subboya1a August 2 2008, 03:37:33 UTC
that was a sad ending, but if you want an antidote, check out Billy Piper in "Secret Diary of a Call Girl". gives her role as a "companion" a whole new meaning!


chillygator August 3 2008, 05:07:03 UTC
Good HEAVENS, Jen!!!

I saw your icon and "sobbing" and _immediately_ thought William! My poor heart is going a billion miles an hour!

Admittedly I should read titles more closely, but that was so not cool (o:


jenocclumency August 3 2008, 18:59:11 UTC
Sorry. :) I guess I feel about Doctor Who the way you feel's Anatomy maybe?


chillygator August 3 2008, 19:04:17 UTC
lol I love The Closer these days. I'm so dang involved! I'm almost done with season three. Oooh!


jenocclumency August 3 2008, 19:29:34 UTC
hahaha...and sadly, I've never heard of that show. I don't watch much TV. :)


annabelle_818 August 9 2008, 18:53:26 UTC
Actually, I had been finding Donna quite annoying most of the season. Loved her grand-dad, however, and he will keep the light on for the Doctor, so all is not lost. Would love to see the old man jump off in the Tardis for a spin about the space-time continuum!

I guess in '09 there will be only a few DW movies, then a new regular series in '10.


jenocclumency August 10 2008, 15:57:50 UTC
I wasn't a huge Donna fan either...I liked her very much, but I *love* Rose. I think most of my tears were because of the sweet and sad goodbye to Rose. I'm glad she's got *a* doctor, but I was also sad that *the* doctor said goodbye to her again. I just bawled. Then I kept crying right through the Donna stuff because my tears wouldn't stop flowing.


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