
Oct 08, 2012 22:22

OMG. I made a clip.  It's messed up (it repeated a little bit and I have no idea where the sound is), but I made a clip!   I might actually manage to make a vid.

Now I'm thinking of bailing on the fic writing for the epistolary and doing a crappy podfic of someone else's good story.  Got any epistolary/text message/email kink fics you can think of ( Read more... )

fanfic, podfic, fandom, pimping, challenge, videos

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Comments 43

fleete October 9 2012, 04:35:10 UTC
Oooh! A personal advent ficathon sounds wonderful!!

I shall try my best to help you out with prompts, so that you can have lots to choose from! I'll come back with more as I think of them.

Gwen/Sefa (Because I just can't help it.)
Or really, any of those prompts I listed in my reaction post.

Inara and Kaylee decide to have a girl's night and give River a pedicure. Zoe shows up to look at them all skeptically over her beer or something.

Harry Potter
Hermione wrangles Ron (or whoever you pair her with) to a Muggle holiday party. He is fascinated/surprised/offended by some Muggle holiday traditions.


jelazakazone October 9 2012, 12:44:33 UTC
:D I might go for something in your reaction post, but Gwen/Sefa could be promising. I'll have to see what happens as the series progresses because I'm not writing that one now. I have to finish KB first!

Hee to the Firefly one. I think they will pull her in, beer and all:D

Oh, fun idea for HP! I will put these in the hopper:D


mushroomtale October 9 2012, 10:02:45 UTC
There's an epistolary tag at Merlin finders. <3 I haven't even read half of what's on there but here are two of my favorites that I think haven't been podficced yet: Drugstore Flowers by lady_ragnell and Post-it Note Romance by fuzzytomato.


jelazakazone October 9 2012, 12:45:41 UTC
There is also one on AO3 and I found a GREAT Warehouse 13 fic. I am going to ask if I can do that one (I'm trying to really stretch myself with KB).

Post it Note Romance is awesome. I've read that one. I'll have to check out Drugstore Flowers. Thanks for the recs!


mushroomtale October 9 2012, 15:02:15 UTC
I see! I've been hearing good things about Warehouse 13. I think I should watch it sometime...

Np, Love! <333


jelazakazone October 9 2012, 15:06:13 UTC
Warehouse 13 is awesome! You should watch it:) So many incredible women.

♥ &heart; ♥ *runs back to sewing machine and baby quilt now* :D


dunderklumpen October 9 2012, 14:32:25 UTC

... )


jelazakazone October 9 2012, 21:55:01 UTC
Ok, you know that the video is dragonspeak, right? I just need to figure out how to make it work. *pulls hair out* I want it to work so bad.

Thanks for the prompts! I'll have to see what happens when I put them in the hopper:D


dunderklumpen October 9 2012, 22:06:14 UTC
Woot? No, I didn't know that but now I'm even more excited.


jelazakazone October 9 2012, 23:14:56 UTC
Cross your fingers that I can actually get it to work. I'm going bald here:D


k_nightfox October 10 2012, 02:20:25 UTC
I hope you get that quiet day, my friend! I'll get back to you if I come up with any prompts, right now my brain is fried. I barely managed my drabble today (and for the first time in my life I had words to spare!) It's pretty lame but at least I didn't bail on it!


jelazakazone October 10 2012, 02:22:52 UTC
Day was fairly quiet. I got a baby quilt quilted, I wrote 450 words of KB fic, I didn't talk to anyone on the phone, I listened to stuff when I wanted to and didn't listen to anything when I didn't want to. I looked into vidding stuff and new phone stuff and did some other stuff too, I'm sure. It was an excellent day. I'm ready to collapse. Oh, I played with icons!

Anyhow, you are free to leave prompts later. I'm going to go find your drabble!


k_nightfox October 10 2012, 02:25:57 UTC
It hasn't posted yet. I barely submitted it by the deadline (2 minutes on the clock!) so it's yet to be approved by the mods (one of which I know is asleep ;-)


jelazakazone October 10 2012, 02:27:56 UTC
Hee hee:) I see. You are not considered a regular and so you're not unmoderated over there yet?


patchcat October 16 2012, 20:18:20 UTC
I have wandered over to do some prompting. XD All Merlin, 'cause that's all I know on your list thinger. Well, other than Harry Potter, but I don't read 'fic for that. :P


Merlin/Arthur -- Sniffles, scarves, and "Unhand that penguin!"

Merlin/Gwaine/Arthur (if you're up for trios) -- Angry Birds, "Is that my sock?", cuddles

Kilgarrah, Aithusa-- Snow Day!

Gwaine (can be alone, can be with someone, whatever inspires you) -- Contemplation of the universe and all of its mysteries, "And the peppermint schnapps wasn't bad, either."


jelazakazone October 16 2012, 20:20:25 UTC
:D Awwww. Ok! Thanks. I'll see what I can do.

I prefer Merlin, to be honest, but it's good to have some variety.


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