
Oct 08, 2012 22:22

OMG. I made a clip.  It's messed up (it repeated a little bit and I have no idea where the sound is), but I made a clip!   I might actually manage to make a vid.

Now I'm thinking of bailing on the fic writing for the epistolary and doing a crappy podfic of someone else's good story.  Got any epistolary/text message/email kink fics you can think of ( Read more... )

fanfic, podfic, fandom, pimping, challenge, videos

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k_nightfox October 10 2012, 02:20:25 UTC
I hope you get that quiet day, my friend! I'll get back to you if I come up with any prompts, right now my brain is fried. I barely managed my drabble today (and for the first time in my life I had words to spare!) It's pretty lame but at least I didn't bail on it!


jelazakazone October 10 2012, 02:22:52 UTC
Day was fairly quiet. I got a baby quilt quilted, I wrote 450 words of KB fic, I didn't talk to anyone on the phone, I listened to stuff when I wanted to and didn't listen to anything when I didn't want to. I looked into vidding stuff and new phone stuff and did some other stuff too, I'm sure. It was an excellent day. I'm ready to collapse. Oh, I played with icons!

Anyhow, you are free to leave prompts later. I'm going to go find your drabble!


k_nightfox October 10 2012, 02:25:57 UTC
It hasn't posted yet. I barely submitted it by the deadline (2 minutes on the clock!) so it's yet to be approved by the mods (one of which I know is asleep ;-)


jelazakazone October 10 2012, 02:27:56 UTC
Hee hee:) I see. You are not considered a regular and so you're not unmoderated over there yet?


k_nightfox October 10 2012, 02:31:34 UTC
Heck no! One of the mods may adore my cooking but that doesn't mean I get to run around in her community without a minder! XD This was my first submission, she's been bugging me to step up since it all started. I've always been sick or too busy with something I have major feelings of inadequacy when it comes to writing the short stuff.


jelazakazone October 10 2012, 02:33:34 UTC
Aw. That sucks that you have been sick or too busy to do it until now.

I just have major feelings of inadequacy about everything. Truly. I think it might be a problem.


k_nightfox October 10 2012, 02:42:11 UTC
My paperlegends fic literally sucked up my brain until the beginning of last month. I was still writing and revising it up until two hours before posting it! Then I took a week off and then I got a headache that I've had ever since. The headache has been waffling and frankly, I was lucky that it left me alone just long enough to finish this lil ficlet!

That seriously sux about feeling inadequate. It can become a problem if you let it so don't. I know, I know, easier said than done. Start small and build. You know you have talents, remember them. (And if you need a push in that direction let me know, I'm happy to shove!)


jelazakazone October 10 2012, 02:48:41 UTC
Oh yeah. I forgot that you were doing PL! I can totally see where that would take all your energy.

I wrote a remix that spawned the most fluff ever. I mean, the remix was not fluffy at all, but I had to just spew all this fluff to counteract it. I can see how other people would not do that.

Oh, well, I'm starting to come around. It's just that everyone in my house doesn't give me the proper feedback. I don't feel inadequate until I start looking at the feedback I am getting (don't get me started on food in my house).

Thanks for offering to cheerlead! I might take you up on that offer later, especially for Merlin holidays. Geez, the information I got from my recipient is a bit contradictory.


k_nightfox October 10 2012, 02:55:15 UTC
I'd be happy to!

My Merlin holidays looks...demanding. It's going to tax my story-telling abilities that's for sure!


jelazakazone October 10 2012, 02:56:51 UTC
Ok, I'll let you know. Thanks!

Well, likewise, if you need someone to bounce ideas off, let me know! I'm still struggling with what to do for MH. I'm going to try to finish up the KB story I'm working on this week and get started on Merlin Holidays next week.


k_nightfox October 10 2012, 03:04:28 UTC
Seriously,I may take you up on that cuz I am feeling a bit floundery as to what to do.

I am looking at just about the same schedule. I have a fic to finish up by the 15th and then I will focus on MH.


jelazakazone October 10 2012, 03:10:36 UTC
Excellent! I may make a very tight filter for MH brainstorming.

It's so lovely to have people on the same train:D

On that note, I'm putting the computer away and going to sleep. 'night!


k_nightfox October 10 2012, 03:21:26 UTC
I am gonna get a snack cuz for some reason I haven't had a proper meal since about 4 this morning and then I think I am going to try to do the same.

G'nite my friend!


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