Two quickies I overheard on the radio

Jun 13, 2012 11:02

1. Denial is a powerful thing force.  (I am so going to write a fic with that as the title.  Would love to see what others do with this concept too.  Posting it on writingcafe on Friday too, just so you are forewarned:)) (Overheard on this Diane Rehm show.) (Show is about protecting and helping kids recover from sexual abuse.  Will hit triggers if ( Read more... )

thinky thoughts, icons, overheard

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Comments 11

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jelazakazone June 13 2012, 15:43:34 UTC
I agree with your definition. I didn't listen to most of the show, but I wanted to give credit for where I'd heard the quote.

Oh, also, not sure about this, but they might have meant the numbers should have been higher.


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jelazakazone June 13 2012, 15:51:25 UTC
Ok. Got it. I can't listen to the whole show (it will be too triggery for me), but I agree with you.


dunderklumpen June 13 2012, 17:02:05 UTC
So I boycott FB because I don't like the social pressure with it. If you friend one you have to friend all. If you friend people from work you can't refuse to friend the rest of your co-workers. But then you can't say what you want anymore and so on ( ... )


jelazakazone June 13 2012, 17:06:24 UTC
Yep. I'm totally with you. 100%, although LJ started as a personal thing for me and has only recently become fandom centered:D I can't separate one part of my brain from the next, so you all have to see it all (of course I don't expect everyone to respond to everything I post though).


archaeologist_d June 13 2012, 17:18:37 UTC
I used to belong to Facebook but have serious issues with privacy so I pretty much dropped out.


jelazakazone June 13 2012, 17:20:08 UTC
Ditto. I can't bring myself to delete my profile there because it's the only way I see pictures of my nieces. I think that's the thin line that keeps me there.

I joined Google plus very briefly and then got freaked out that G+ would connect my fannish identity to my RL identity, so I deleted my profile there.


archaeologist_d June 13 2012, 17:24:36 UTC
I never bothered using G+ because of that.


aome June 14 2012, 01:21:37 UTC
I hate feeling like I'm missing out on connecting with a lot of people because I'm not on FB, and yet I still have no desire to join FB. Partly it's the security risk/trust issues, and partly it's because LJ/DW already suck away so much of my free time, I need another social media account like a hole in the head. :P

I *love* the idea of using "Denial is a powerful thing" as a prompt! Not that I'll have time, frantically getting ready to travel, but I love the idea. :)


jelazakazone June 14 2012, 01:23:20 UTC
LOL. FB is not a way for me to connect with people. It makes me think I'm going to connect, but then it just feels like high school and I hate the interface and just blargh.

\o/ Come back to the prompt when you are ready. It's not going anywhere:D


aome June 14 2012, 01:25:42 UTC
Hmmm. I actually have no interest in connecting with anyone in high school; it's more that families from both girls' adoptive groups are on FB and sometimes post updates, at least one of my Dutch cousins is on FB and I'd love to see more about her life, the school posts reminders about upcoming events on FB, stores have sales if you go to their FB account, blah blah blah. Why can't they all just join LJ/DW? ;-)


jelazakazone July 3 2012, 11:51:03 UTC
I am not actually connecting with people from high school. It just feels like high school all over again where I worry about who is commenting/reading what I am posting and the interface there sucks. Not to mention that I don't trust FB with content, so I post pretty meaningless stuff there.


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