More healthiness stuff

Feb 23, 2012 22:45

(Um, healthiness did not get flagged as misspelled.  I'm disturbed ( Read more... )

stuff, a day, food, blah de blah, health

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Comments 25

tingler February 24 2012, 04:54:52 UTC
One of my daughters used to have night terrors and we finally traced it back to dairy too late in the day. That sounds weird to me, but that really seemed to be what caused it.


jelazakazone February 24 2012, 12:02:34 UTC
How old was she when it happened?

Given that nothing has changed, except that she's gotten older, I'm chalking it up to developmental stuff. And it's not every night. (I believe her big sister went through the same thing, but it wasn't as noticeable because DD2 was still sleeping with us then, maybe. I can't remember.)

But I will see if there seems to be a dietary cause. Thanks!


tingler February 24 2012, 12:54:00 UTC
She was pretty little, but I don't remember exactly. And it would flare up again if she had dairy much after lunch time up until she was six or seven. I remember once it happened when she was older after she had a macaroni dinner from a nice restaurant, because they had used actual milk and cheese in the macaroni.

Apparently, different kinds of cheeses can even give adults specific kinds of dreams, too.


jelazakazone February 24 2012, 14:08:34 UTC
Wow, that is just fascinating. I wonder if things like yogurt have an effect on dreams too.

DD2 is almost 7, for the record.


universaldogma February 24 2012, 08:01:23 UTC
I'm still jealous that you get therapy. XD I wish I could go back to therapy.

There's no need to be full-throttle all the time, you know. *hugs* Relax~

And write some OUAT 'fic eventually! I'd love it if you joined in some other fandoms like OUAT or Sherlock~


jelazakazone February 24 2012, 12:04:21 UTC
♥ I love my therapist. I wish you could go too.

Wait, really? Are you sure about that?;) I actually want to talk to my therapist about that next week.

LOL. OUaT might be possible. I doubt I'll ever write Sherlock. Who knows what will happen. I'm still very happy writing Merlin fic.


universaldogma February 24 2012, 12:09:24 UTC
I'd love to go back to therapy. :D In other news, my 'net has reset! ♥

I'm sure. XD

Joining in =/= all the writing. Just discuss it! Or something.


jelazakazone February 24 2012, 12:42:08 UTC
Yay for 'net!

Hehe. Why do the kids have all the wisdom? (I think I've been a full tilt kind of gal my whole life, but haven't realized it until recently.)

Oh, actually, I do want to ask a question about what August said about water from the last ep. Good reminder.


twilighthdfan February 24 2012, 13:07:56 UTC
Sounds like a productive day. And wow, you made your own yoghurt? (and thinking about home made bread is making me hungry. Possibly my favourite food. Yum!).

Hope DD2 is okay and the nightmares pass quickly. Poor thing. And well down on not having a coke (I should really give that up too. Not the best drink to have).


jelazakazone February 24 2012, 13:12:28 UTC
Hah. You people out there in LJ have a funny idea of a productive day/week. That felt like a very "down" day to me.

Yep. I make my own yogurt. We make our own bread too.

Thanks! It will eventually pass. She slept like a log last night, as did I:D

Mmmm, Coke. I love Coke. I shouldn't have one today, but I might anyway. Yeah, not the best drink, certainly, but so yummy.


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