Maybe there is a reason I haven't talked with some people for 15 years

Oct 24, 2008 16:15

I have recently been friended by 2 conservative Christians that I went to high school with (on Facebook).  I'm thinking maybe there's a reason I haven't talked with them for 15 years.  It turns my stomach to think about interacting with these people.  I'm thinking about deleting them.  I like my cave ( Read more... )

mini update, stuff, friends, opposing viewpoints

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Comments 16

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jelazakazone October 24 2008, 20:42:20 UTC
Oh yeah. I can make an impression on them. Doesn't seem likely. How the heck is that going to happen? I don't remember making an impression on them in high school (ok, maybe not so true for H). C made some comment about how cute my kids were. Like he can tell from that teeny weeny itty bitty picture I have up of them. Hmmm, I think I have some lasting bitterness about high school.


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jelazakazone October 24 2008, 21:36:36 UTC
Yeah. I need to figure out what I can post on my status to really get their blood boiling.


argentla October 24 2008, 20:44:16 UTC
Fuck them. It's not worth your energy.


jelazakazone October 24 2008, 21:36:57 UTC
Probably. It makes me wonder why they would even want to have contact with me.


Jesus saves, but what are the interest rates? argentla October 24 2008, 21:38:17 UTC
Well, if they're born-agains, they may figure they can save your soul.


Re: Jesus saves, but what are the interest rates? jelazakazone October 24 2008, 21:49:46 UTC
Um, god. I hope not. Ask jillbertini to tell you about the time someone asked her if she had accepted Jesus Christ into her heart in Latin class.


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jelazakazone October 24 2008, 21:37:16 UTC
Oh really? I didn't know that about Stan.

I can see you being in the middle.


thomasyan October 24 2008, 22:04:06 UTC
It's tricky. On the one hand, polarization is only going to make things worse. On the other, high blood pressure, stress, and murder etc. is no good either. I can't immediately think of a gripping hand.*

* I forget, have you read The Mote in God's Eye?


jelazakazone October 24 2008, 22:48:44 UTC
Nope. I have not read The Mote in God's Eye, although I feel like I should have.


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thomasyan October 25 2008, 04:07:07 UTC
Thanks! If I had just seen that sentence, I would have misinterpreted it. I would have inferred something negative associated with bung, such as "ruin" or "give freezer burn".


telperion1 October 25 2008, 00:14:34 UTC
Fundies give me such a splitting headache. Because of my family, and because of where I grew up and the beliefs I still struggle with, I suspect it's a different variety of headache than you get - but you have my sympathies. *sends 100% non-dogmatic huggles*


jelazakazone October 25 2008, 17:18:29 UTC

I was raised in SWFlorida and fundies were the flavor of the day. To say I felt marginalized is to put it lightly. Having these people back in my life is like being reimmersed in that toxic environment. I think I'm going to have to say good bye to them. Especially with our polarizing election coming up:P


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