Maybe there is a reason I haven't talked with some people for 15 years

Oct 24, 2008 16:15

I have recently been friended by 2 conservative Christians that I went to high school with (on Facebook).  I'm thinking maybe there's a reason I haven't talked with them for 15 years.  It turns my stomach to think about interacting with these people.  I'm thinking about deleting them.  I like my cave.

In other news, I had a free morning so I went for a walk with a friend and then finished watching Cold Mountain.  I hadn't meant to finish watching it, but I was glued.

I am not sure what I did with my afternoon.  I decided to make curried squash soup at 2:15, so that's cooking.  And we are also having salmon and Greek Salad for dinner.  Yum.

Thank god it's Friday.  I need a dance!

mini update, stuff, friends, opposing viewpoints

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