On Strike..!

Jul 10, 2014 12:56

Today, along with around a million others, I am sacrificing a day's wages in the hope of greater working conditions ( Read more... )

work, david cameron is a cunt!, strike!

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Comments 8

matheius July 10 2014, 19:11:58 UTC
Get back to work!

Just kidding, I hope they manage to put enough pressure on to get the deal yous guys deserve.

Let's face it though, logic has never been a strong point with this useless set of twats, and making the effort to appear like they're actually doing something is more important to them than actually doing something.


jeffthelion July 10 2014, 23:28:02 UTC
Ha, nah it's too sunny!

Thanks, even the Union folks I've spoken to see this as a kind of 'warning shot across the bows' before a longer strike in the Autumn, I hope not. A lot of Britons are not sympathetic to that type of action.

True, maybe if they'd just open a freepost postal address and we could all send them what we think of their choices, like UKIP, we could have some fun..!


leylarna July 11 2014, 00:04:36 UTC
Whilst I agree a higher minimum wage is needed for the worker, a lot of bosses couldn't afford a higher wage bill and with the economy as it is it could end a lot of companies. I don't know what solution is but it's a complex one!


jeffthelion July 11 2014, 00:14:49 UTC
The lowest paid ones in a lot of cases are not the entire staff (e.g. cleaners in an office.)

Or if they are a lot of staff, for example in multimillion chains like McDonalds, they really can really afford to pay everyone a few quid more, with their gigantic profits every year!

Look at Lidl and Ikea, both pay their shop staff well above minimum wage and I don't see them complaining about their own choice to do so!

The truth is though, the government shouldn't be paying vast amounts of full time workers Benefits every year, due to their own employers not paying them enough in wages.


spiffyfunpants July 12 2014, 01:17:25 UTC
This is fascinating to know of someone on the inside of the strike! So what, if any, changes were implemented to help please everyone involved? Striking is such an extreme thing to do, but it HAS worked in the past.

My country is having the same struggle regarding raising the minimum wage. It's super complicated and while I don't think I completely understand the complexities of it all (Especially in your situation!), I can appreciate that there are people out there who CANNOT live on the wages they are currently earning and to me, that's just wrong.


jeffthelion July 17 2014, 00:19:53 UTC
No changes at all, really. British strikes seem to start after bosses have been unreasonable, Union bosses are then equally unreasonable in the opposite direction, a strike is called and later an agreement neither side likes in the middle happens after lengthy talks.

In simple terms, I don't think it's unreasonable for everyone to have a living wage, I also reckon that if everyone (companies included) were paying the tax they were supposed to, that wouldn't be a problem. If people on wages can't, how are people on Benefits living?! While the top 1% live in ridiculous opulence, how long before there's a bloody revolution? We'll see...


thelma_viaduct July 15 2014, 11:09:30 UTC
I like your political pants xx


jeffthelion July 17 2014, 00:14:59 UTC
I like your political mind! xx


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