Today, along with around a million others, I am sacrificing a day's wages in the hope of greater working conditions: I don't expect that the full huge increase they have asked for will be obtained but I do think a compromise in the middle can be reached.
If anything, I hope it will at the very least make the wages match the rise in inflation for a huge number of hard working people across the UK and encourage the discussion of worker's rights and how wages in this country are far too low, particularly in London. For example:
Unison boss Mr Prentis told BBC Breakfast workers had been left frustrated by pay freezes, adding that "enough is enough".
"When Cameron brought in the two-year pay freeze, our local government workers, our members, had already had a one-year pay freeze.
"So they've had a three-year pay freeze and then a 1% increase when inflation has gone up by something like 20%," he said.
The minimum wage should at the very least make for a reasonable life, as things stand the government pays Benefits to hundreds of thousands of people who are working full time as their employers are not paying them a reasonable wage, this is madness! Particularly as they are trying to reduce the Benefits bill overall!
Considerably more Benefits go to people in work than out of work in the UK currently, just think about that for a second. Then think how easily it could be remedied by a higher minimum wage. Gah!