Title: "Because of You I'm Breaking" [Chapter 13]
Author: JCapzona
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Disclaimer: All television shows and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings ext. are the properties of their respective owners. This work is non-profit and simply written for fun. Reference to
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Comments 28
I don't get it. People love Nadia but want her punched in the face...it's a messed up world we live in. Haha.
Thanks for reading even though the spacings were messed up! My bad. Fixed it now though...even though that's unhelpful to you lol
Holy F*ck .... Did that shit just happend?
I'm ummm .... I'm stunned and speechles ,because ,indeed, that was so out of te blue lol
..... When you thought things couldn't get worst .
Would it change anything if the story WAS true?
The Forgotten Violin & Nadia's story was a cool idea! Kinda random though, what was the inspiration behind that? Does it actually exist?
And Nadia's outfit...I was picturing *the* outfit from when she is sitting on Bette's desk, yes? Delish.
I do feel bad that she got punched and stomped on, but also glad that Callie didn't fall(no pun intended lol) for Nadia's lines :)
Can't wait for the making up...except that Callie is all broken which will make steaminess difficult...oh well, I can deal :P
LOL YES! The vest is totally taken from that! Gotta love her in a vest! LOL Callie is strong!
HAHAHA That's what you care about. Not the broken bones or the broken hearts. But the difficulty that will arise for McSteamy scenes! YES! Freakin' awesome haha.
I actually read this before going to bed last night, but I was too tired to comment. But I couldn't go to sleep without at least reading it though. Yep. I'm addicted.
Well the only way Arizona could've prevented the fall was to break her fall...which isn't exactly that awesome of a plot line...plus we need Arizona non-paralyzed to finish the story!
If you were going for pleasing both Nadia haters and lovers, you did it perfectly. I, of course, kinda had a thing for Nadia...until this chapter. There's just no coming between Callie and Arizona and how much they really do love each other, even when they're apart.
This was excellent. Nadia's so hot (yum, that outfit she was wearing) but I'm still glad she got punched in the face. Funny how that works, huh?
Waiting SUPER impatiently for the next update! Soon soon soon soon? :)
LOL I LOVE HER black vest look! It's like. THE best business suit ever. it looks..REALLLY goood.
Haha update? Soonish I hope. X)
Your suggestions have helped a lot...I'm just worried of a "why is she still writing about this?!" Reaction. Haha. You know?
Blah. BOYIB is keeping me going. For real.
LOL I'm hiding too. But just cause I need to catch up with some school work I've procrastinated to an absurd degree with...
Ooooh I see, well, you can always take us back to ARIA <3 never going to complain about herrrrr haha.
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